
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


exploring outlines in photographs...
Huge flocks of birds descended upon the berry trees in my neighborhood.

phone gazing in front of snowy window

Arizona sunset (a drive-by shooting!)

found while exploring the banks along the Salt River in Arizona

car wash windshield

near the bike path

nest in Hawthorn tree in my front yard

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "O."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!

photos by me © 2012  all rights reserved


  1. Oh my goodness, you got some great shots! All are fantastic -- I don't think I can pick a favorite!

  2. There's something about bare branches that is just so beautiful!
    And I love silhouettes!
    I bet those rocks were fun to stumble upon :)

  3. How lovely. I can never decide if I prefer the winter outline of a tree or the spring one with bright green leaves showing new life

  4. Very cool theme! I was in Arizona for the first time in December, and the sunsets really are gorgeous there.

  5. Those are all great! The car wash one caught my eye, don't think I would have thought of that...My O effort:

  6. Great theme for the letter O! I love the silhouette in front of the snowy window. Great mix of subjects here.

  7. Gorgeous shots. I love the trees on a dreary day! The heart from the rocks is so sweet.

  8. Very creative, Margaret!
    I do love the birdies in that tree :)

  9. While running errands yesterday, I stopped at an intersection and heard what I thought were people on a loudspeaker, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I continued on to the bank, and when I got back in the car, I realized that the sound was hundreds of crows strung out on several telephone lines! I wish I had had my camera handy. Your photos are sooooo excellent, Margaret!

  10. Beautiful photos! thanks for sharing them

  11. wow. Interesting photos, especially those top two...

  12. Winter is lovely in your neck of the woods.

  13. ooohsome o post! Great shot and I love them all x Thanks for sharing.


  14. What great shots! You did yourself proud.

  15. Right now in the last of the winter months, you can see lots of nests in trees! We have lots of squirrel nests high up in some of our trees! Lovely photos! all different. Awesome!


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