
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quiddity of St. Lucia

quid' di ty
1.  the inherent nature or essence of something; the essence that makes something the kind of thing it is and makes it different from any other 
2.  a distinctive feature; a peculiarity: "its quirks and quiddities"

the Pitons, St. Lucia

"Un piton" is sort of a small, steep peak rising above the surrounding area.

St. Lucia is a Caribbean jewel.  mountainous, lush, and rugged.  Twin volcanic peaks, the Pitons, rise from the Caribbean Sea on the southwestern coast, symbolizing the uniqueness of St. Lucia.  Below the Pitons, the sea teams with coral and brightly colored fish. 
Gros Piton: 2,619 feet / 786m
Petit Piton 2,461 feet / 739m

The iconic forested peaks can be seen towering over the landscape throughout most of the island.  The area is an UNESCO World Heritage Site (inscribed 2004).  The Pitons contain 8 rare tree species, 5 endemic bird species, and 3 indigenous rodents along with a large variety of plant and animal life.

Natural Born Hikers  hiking Gros Piton
UNESCO  Pitons Management Area

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "Q."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!


photo by me © 2013  all rights reserved

PS:  Last week, I wrote about the letter P HERE.  I didn't get to actually link up with Alphabe-Thursday because I was on vacation at the above location.  See more links to the letter P HERE
I will be visiting all your blogs to catch up.  Thanks for your patience!


  1. That's a beautiful photo! I can see why you chose quiddity as your Q post!

  2. Coolness! I learned a new word. That doesn't happen as often as I would like.

    1. St. Lucia is one place I want to visit. Been to Grenada, and St. Vincent, but not St. Lucia. It's beautiful there. What a perfect word for "Q". Ditto Natasha...very cool indeed.

  3. Wow what a stunning photo! I want to go there! :-)
    Unique Q post.

  4. My vocab lesson for the day :) I've never heard the word, but I like it's meaning :)

  5. So beautiful and peaceful! I hadn't heard of that word either but I want to experience it now!

  6. a great word for the week! That is a beautiful site, with the small cottage (or house or whatever it is!) at the base of the mountain. I long to go back to the islands... {:-D

  7. What a neat place to vacation. Great pics too!~Ames

  8. Gorgeous! And I learned a new word. Thank you! =>

  9. This is a nice post, Stars. ~~ It reminds me of when Mrs. Jim and I went in 2001. Our son had just been married in Barbados. After seeing Barbados we flew to St. Lucia and rented a car there.

    We saw your pretty coastal mountain in driving from the west side over the mountains to the east. You are right, it is soooo beauiful there.

    Thank you for your nice visit to my "Q" Queen post. stNow to find your 'Quiditity' post.

    1. Oops this was it! I think there is a "P" one for me to read. Sorry.

  10. What a great word to use this week! I'd love to visit St Lucia.

  11. It looks so beautiful there! And I learned a new word today :)

  12. oh man! you're killing me!! just when I was thinking that getting up into the 40s was balmy :O this looks gorgeous and I want to be there!

  13. Oh, I LIKE this word. And I am going to remember and use it.


  14. Love a new word! And that is a new one on me! Love the photo too!

  15. Yes, a beautiful place, amazing view! Nice photo.

  16. quirks and quiddities -- love that! thanks for the excellent vocab word.

  17. What a great word, and what a wonderful photo to accompany it!

  18. Oh my gosh. St. Lucia is quite astonishing.

    I would have never even put that on my bucket list because I would have never thought of it!

    Love the word!

    Love the picture!

    Going to find some P right now!


    Thanks for linking.



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