
Friday, April 5, 2013


a random collection of textures...
not a black and white photo!  (March 31, 2013)

Let's add some brightness!  This is a stack of tie dyed T shirts ready to be shipped to their new home.

taken March 25, 2013.  It's supposed to be Spring!  This is not black and white either!

looking up into palms on a lovely island in the Caribbean at the end of Winter (St. Lucia)

Athabasca Glacier in the Columbia Icefields area of Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (early September 2012)

some variety of kalanchoe (St. Lucia).  Baby plants develop along the edges of the leaves of the mature plant.   cool, huh?!

Athabasca Glacier 
other Kalanchoe images

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "T."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!



photos by me © 2012 and 2013  all rights reserved


  1. Love your photos looking up into the trees! I'll have to try that again soon. I have one of two looking up, taking a few summers ago, but nothing current! Love your photos--but you know that! Have a great day!

  2. What a great variety of warm and cold! I just love that glacier landscape.

  3. Lovely *T* post – great photography especially the glacier capture!

    Wishing you a great weekend too!

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  4. Great T post and a very beautiful blog. Glad you visited me. xo Jenny

  5. fab post for the letter T -- that "not black and white" photo epitomizes everything that is sould-chilling about the winter in Chicago. Brava! Here's to more blue skies (and palm trees, where available).

  6. That plant is the coolest! I definetly want to do there some day and check those out. My South Pacific trip is currenty on hold, but I discovered there are blue star fish there! I hope I get to see them some day, too.

  7. That was a great take on 'T'. I particularly liked the 'not black and white' shots!

  8. Does anyone get a real spring anymore? I have a kalanchoe - they're very cool!

  9. What a fun idea for T! Great mix of subjects as always. A lot of my March pictures this year don't look much like spring either. Hopefully that will change soon.

  10. I really LOVE your textures! Excellent!

  11. I love all the photos! That plant is very cool :)
    I have a few shots from a couple weeks ago that look black/white but aren't either! We're hoping for warmer temps this weekend...

  12. I love the St. Lucia pictures. They look so summer-y!

  13. oh man ... it has been one long, dark winter! so happy to see spring finally arrive!

  14. I'm liking your assortment of textures, Margaret. It made for a nice "T" word post.

    You sure did enjoy St. Lucia, didn't you. It is such a pretty place. (Well, not all of it.)

  15. I love all your textures!

    And your tie dye is wonderful! Those sunny happy colors just make me smile!

    Thanks for a terrific link for the letter "T".



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