
Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today was uncharacteristically warm--in the low 80s.  The bees were ravishing the cherry blossoms!

I am under Oliver snapping his portrait!  (He found a cozy spot on top of a pillow.)

I'm under this airplane taking a photo.  See me reflected? (Although for vanity's sake, I must say the reflection does make me look a little wider and rather square.)
(Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force Aviation Museum in Phoenix, Arizona)

a city under the cliffs!  Mesa Verde was home to the ancestral Pueblo people from about AD 600-1300.

Chihuly glass is so beautiful!  I was privileged to see a major installation at the Desert Botanical Garden Museum in Phoenix Arizona in April 2009  

Carolina wrens made an igloo-like nest in a pot of parsley on my deck last May.

Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force 
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA (means green table)
Dale Chihuly website
a new upcoming Chihuly exhibit at the Desert Botanical Museum in Phoenix November 9, 2013 - May 11, 2014!!
Desert Botanical Garden 
ZOOM! my blog post on the Carolina wrens with photos and information
My past blog posts with Chihuly glass:
G is for....

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "U."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!


photos by me © 2007, 2009, 2012, and 2013  all rights reserved


  1. Very nice pictures, I love that beautiful glass installation, wonderful!

  2. Under is a good 'U' word for today's assignment. I haven't attempted to do my Alphabe-Thursday homework yet and I just don't know if I'll get around to it or not. :( BTW, I loved the photos accompanying your post.

  3. Those are great pictures, you did a good job. :)

  4. Awesome close up of the bee! And I love your reflection :)

  5. Great photos! Love the colorful glass. But I wonder what Oliver must have been thinking about you while you were snapping that photo. Sometimes I think I'd like to be able to read their minds, while other times, It's probably better that we can't!

  6. Lovely *U* post – great captures from *u*nusual angles!

    And Oliver is adorable!

    Have a great weekend,

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  7. Wonderful photography for U ~ Under ~ lots of great nature shots ~ and your cat is adorable ~ ^_^

  8. That's a great zoom of the bee and Oliver is, as always, totally cute! I remember the wren post (but apparently I didn't comment for whatever reason -- bad me!) and I've been to Mesa Verde -- very interesting and amazing!
    Great U post :)

  9. Margaret, this is an extra special treat for our "U" word day. Great!!!
    I cannot pick a favorite, they are all soooo good. I am glad you did the
    Pueblo people picture. I never remember them unless there is a picture.

    Being under the airplane was very creative, as was being under your pretty
    cat, Oliver. Thank you again, Jim

  10. wow - that close up of the bee is amazing! Great photos, as always! {:-D

  11. Great shot of Mesa Verde! I need to plan another trip there soon...

  12. What a cool nest! I like your vantage point on these photos...


  13. Chihuly, yes! Great job with putting together a fun mix of photos as always. It's so encouraging to see bees out again.

  14. This was a great post featuring UNDER!

  15. We were both at the DBG the same year! I loved the boat with all the glass orbes!
    How wonderful to see a bee!! In my world we wait for sunshine and flowers ..still live with the threat of a snow freeze!
    Loved these images...especially your portrait of Oliver! Purr-Zzzz

  16. You always get the best shots. What a great eye you have.

  17. Lots of interesting shots, but I love the glass!

  18. Your photographs are amazing! I wish I didn't have a tin eye when it comes to photography.

  19. These photos are magnificent! I love how you captured the bee :)
    Somewhere in my photo archives I have a photo of Sammy sitting on a dining room chair under the table :)

  20. Oliver is adorable and that glass is cool!
    xo Catherine

  21. My favorite is you in the planes hubcap!

    I wonder if they call them hubcaps on planes.

    I love your perspective on the glass shot, too.



    I love them all.


    Thanks for sharing your fUN PHOTOS WITH US!


  22. Love all of these, but would love to have seen the Chihuly glass up close in person!!


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