
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Animal Bridge

in Banff National Park, Canada

Wildlife crossings exist in many other countries as well.  The first of these crossings were constructed in France during the 1950s.  Studies have shown that these structures--bridges and tunnels-- greatly reduce the conflicts between wildlife and roads.  

1.  ecoducts in the Netherlands, photos 
2.  ARC Wildlife Crossing Competition 2011 design winner HNTB + Michael Van Valkenburgh and Associates, designed for West Vail Pass on I-70 in Colorado--scroll down to see the bridge
"The primary goals of the competition were to re-imagine how we create structures to ensure the safe mobility of humans and wildlife by allowing them to coexist, and to inspire the next generation of wildlife crossing structures."
3.  Nutty Narrows a squirrel bridge!  constucted across Olympia Way in Longview, Washington in 1963.  Check out these photos!  (Thanks for telling me about this, Cynthia!)

We've begun round 8!!
Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "B." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photo by me © 2012 all rights reserved


  1. Yay for animal bridges! We have one for deer. Wish they would build more...

  2. We seriously, seriously need those EVERYWHERE! I live out in the country, and it's crazy the amount of animals I see that have been hit when I'm driving the highway. :\ I love this idea.

  3. I haven't seen any animal bridges, but they sure are needed! I wonder if there are signs so the animals know they're supposed to cross there.... LOL!

  4. So beautiful! I wish we had something like that here!

  5. Those are such a great idea! Not sure how raccoons or other small animals would know to not go through the fence but over the bridge instead but I love any idea that saves the lives of any animals!

  6. We need these in Iowa for all the deer! I think they're a wonderful idea!

  7. This is not only functional but beautiful. How wonderful for the animals.

  8. So the animals actually find the bridges instead of crossing the road right in front of them. I'm impressed that this works.

  9. Here they are underground and they do seem to help...

  10. What an interesting concept! Very cool. Gorgeous photo! The colors are so vivid. There is something very striking about this composition.

  11. loved the photo.. and the concept..nutty narrows:)

  12. Wow, I have never heard of or seen a wildlife crossing! What a great idea and I love your photo!

  13. The bridge is an awesome idea. Your mtns look so beautiful in the background.

  14. I remember when they debated about building those bridges - lots of controversy, but such a good idea.

  15. I'm all for anything that keeps the critters safe.

  16. The architecture reminds me of those Viewmaster glasses I had as a kid....looking through them for a vista visit♫♪ Lovely capture! My B:

  17. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog today and although the start of this comment is Generic to others today I will personalise at the end. I know what its like to not have many visitors so may aim is to say hi to everyone of you .

    This looks like a face

  18. I have not seen any of these in the US. Hopefully there are some somewhere. Wish there were more.

  19. That is so neat... I actually think the bold structure of the bridge has a lot of beauty in it...

    Brilliant post for the letter B!

    Thanks for linking.



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