
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Oliver was happily snoozing away in the window on this comfy cork board

till I came along with the flashy thing.

"Let me show you how much I love this corkboard!

"I love it so much, I'm hugging it."  he said

Until recently, Oliver never spent any time here.  This was Earnest's domain.

I am linking up with Cats on Tuesday by Gattina.  Come on over HERE to see some great kitty stories!

photos by me © 2013


  1. Oliver is such a handsome Mancat! It's sweet that he's now sleeping where his brofur used to since it probably still has Earnest's scent there. Give him a smooch from us girls!

  2. Awww...Oliver, you have the sweetest face!
    Cats are highly sensitive and I'm sure he feels Earnest's spirit
    there. big smoochie from me too!

  3. too cute! and that really is a 'cork' board - ha!

  4. What a cutie! I bet he loves laying there and remember Earnest :)

  5. That's so sweet that he's taking over the favorite spot. Love the "this is my board" shot!

  6. Oliver's own little cork mattress. I hope the package man delivered something good!

  7. What a lovely creature, so beautiful and cuddly! I suddenly feel like bringing a kitten home.

  8. Very sweet -- maybe he feels close to Earnest there : )
    I know I looked at this on Tuesday -- I have no idea why I didn't comment then? A senior moment, I guess!

  9. that's a neat cork board! Bet it's real fun to lay on! {:-D

  10. This looks like a terrific place for kitty to sleep! Oliver is a sweetie laying in that sunshine.
    xo Catherine


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