
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Vanilla-Spiced Caramel and Pear Tart

I made this Very delicious and amazing tart Tuesday night and served it at my book club meeting.  It was consumed Voraciously!

pears poached in carmelized sugar with butter and spices--including real Vanilla beans...heavenly!  The scent wafting through my kitchen was luscious!   


Alas!  My springform pan had disappeared!  This was a Vexatious situation.  Even though I made a Valiant attempt to locate it in Various places, I was not Victorious.  I decided to line a 10inch round pan with parchment paper and this worked beautifully.

I did not discard any puff pastry.  I simply used the extra to build up the top of the sides.

Poaching the pears took a bit longer for me than the recipe states.
I served this with a good quality Vanilla ice cream and drizzled the poaching sauce over the tart and the ice cream.

LINK to the recipe on Epicurous

(a little bit of fun with the letter V)

 photos by me © 2013 all rights reserved


  1. Oh no. And after I maligned my spring pan - now you post this recipe. I bet it could be made with apple pears, too... I may be in trouble here.... LOL

    1. That thought did occur to me! definitely worth trying variations.

  2. Oh yum!!! I can imagine it disappeared quickly! De-lish!
    xo Catherine

  3. It looks delicious! Plus, that scoop of ice cream is totally perfect looking.

  4. I'm drooling. If you're ever in Chicago and feel like cooking, you can come to my house. :-)

  5. Oh that looks so yummy! I don't have a springform pan so I'm not so sure I needed to know it can be made without one! I think I'll be making it sometime! :)

  6. Oh, this looks amazingly delicious! Glad it worked using a regular cake pan too!

  7. You use of the letter V cracked me up. Very creative. The dessert looks amazing. It's great to know that you can make it without the springform pan.

  8. I wish I was in your book club!

  9. I don't like pears, but I think I would have eaten this any ol' way! We have wine at our book club meetings, and sometimes chocolate! {:-D

    1. I'm not that fond of pears either, although the ripe red anjou pears are decent. That is what I used. And believe me, they were delicious!
      I served wine, too!

  10. Looks delicious!! Can you send me a piece! LOL

  11. Yum! If you put a plate of this in front of me, I would likely consume Vast quantities of it. LOL!


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