
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Eager Oliver

Eagerly, Oliver awaits the opportunity to Elucidate his Elan for life...

His Enthusiasm for Edibles runs quite high.
Did you say "kitty crunchies?!!"

He becomes quite Elated when it's feather time. 

Here he is on his sentinel post, Efficiently centrally located.

Oliver is Ebullient about helping.
Here he is helping me keep my tie dye orders straight.
And here he is Entertaining me while helping to keep the papers I'm sorting from flying away.

Oliver is an Excellent snoozer.  He Especially loves sun puddles.

a previous POST in which Eager Earnest wishes to Edify you in regards to the letter E.

Oliver is quite Enthusiastic about the letter "E."  He was Elated to Explain some of his favorite Es.
 Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "E." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me © 2012 and 2013   all rights reserved


  1. What fantastic eyes! I love green eyed cats.

  2. Thag is the crazy kind of pist I would do. Loved it

  3. Loved this post! What a sweetie!!
    The pic with the feather is so precious :)

  4. Oh cute, cute, CUTE! Loved the post :)

  5. Eager Oliver, love it! Our little guys love to "help" and hang out on the stairs, too. Great set of photos.

  6. Cats make great paperweights! Did you ever notice that Oliver wears the mask from the Phantom of the Opera -- only it's a black mask! :)

  7. haha

    This was great.

    I'm sad to say that my enthusiasm for edibles runs high, too. A bit too high...


  8. You are so creative and clever. And of course I LOVE CATS! I just love the way you captured Oliver's personality with the "E" words you used. Pur-r-rfectly delightful.

  9. Fun post....quite the character, that one♫♪ My letter E:

  10. No doubt some nice pictures of this super happy cat! Best regards!

  11. He's so darn cute! I just love those pretty green eyes :)

  12. What a doll! Oliver is so adorable and a great helper--love the ones where he is looking into the camera.

  13. Oh we LOVE this post all about handsome Oliver! He's such a cutie pie! Give him smooches from all of us!

  14. Oliver has a very enjoyable life...

    You are definitely an extraordinary owner!

    Exciting post for the letter "E".

    Thanks for linking.


  15. so clever, and beautiful photos - but then again you have a beautiful subject


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