
Saturday, July 13, 2013


oh luscious blue fruit
whenever will you ripen?
how I long to taste

delicious purple,
of your sweet nectar I drink
liquid sunshine love

secret discovered-
a tiny spider hiding
in a yellow flow'r 

guide to photos:
pink lemonade blueberries
tomato flower (This is a very small flower and I didn't see the spider till I looked at the photo on my computer!)

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "H." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 


photos by me © 2013   all rights reserved


  1. Better late than never, haha! Lovely photos -- I couldn't see the spider until I enlarged your photo (or got my eyes really close to the screen) because I'm blind as a bat even with my glasses!! And there the little scamp was!
    Beautiful photos, beautiful haiku.

  2. The bee capture is brilliant! Gorgeous photos as always.

  3. Exquisite blueberry shot!
    Spectacular bee on flower shot!
    Love tomato flowers and I can smell this one!

  4. Magnificent photography of nature's gems and great choice for H ~ Happy Week to you ~ Thanks for the comments ^_^

  5. I'm seeing a lot of great photography today while I'm visiting blogs. Love your photos!

  6. What happy haikus and photos! Blueberries were on sale at Food Lion this week so I've been eating up a storm.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Pink Floribunda Rose

  7. It really is difficult to wait for delicious fruit to ripen, isn't it? Funny about not seeing the spider until you saw it on your computer - but that happens to me a LOT. :))

  8. Pink lemonade blueberries?

    I am intriqued!

    What a wonderful, wonderful name!

    And what a lovely, happy post!

    Someday I am going to master the art of writing haiku.


    So I say.

    Perhaps it will never happen though!

    Thanks for a fun link for the letter "H".



Your comments make my day! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!