
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Proposal!

Last week you were privy to their first meeting.  Now, as you see, they've fallen in love!  He has just asked her to marry him.  She said yes!

Wordless Wednesday--where I linked up:

The Art and Tree Chatter of Aquariann

photo by me © 2013  all rights reserved


  1. Hello Margaret. Lovely photo! I followed your link on Etsy Blog Team. I'm Sian from .

  2. Too funny! Glad we got to hear their story :)

  3. Aww...the little lovebirds...I mean beetles. LOL

  4. How sweet! Congratulations to the critters. ^.^

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Barn Swallow Bird Nest

  5. We want to thank you so very much for your kind words of comfort and friendship after our very sudden loss of Thunder. We are all still very sad, but the support and love from all of our friends from all over the world is helping to heal our broken hearts. We are sure that Thunder Dunder is now in a very happy place and also very thankful to have so many wonderful friends.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie


Your comments make my day! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!