
Thursday, October 3, 2013

turquoise Lake Louise

Indescribably gorgeous, Lake Louise is an iconic symbol of the beauty of Banff National Park in Canada.

I will be writing more about this lake at a later date.  My husband and I hiked the Plain of the Six Glaciers Trail (which is in the back middle of this photograph) just below Victoria Glacier, now one of my all-time favorite hikes.  The beauty along this trail is stunning. 

LINKS (a couple of my recent posts on beautiful lakes in the Canadian Rockies):
Bow Lake 
Waterfowl Lake
Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "T." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photo by me © 2013   all rights reserved


  1. This is such a magnificent view of Lake Louise! You captured the light beautifully to make it seem even more spectacular!

  2. I just moved Lake Louise a little up on my bucket travel list - can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

  3. Gorgeous! Perfect shot! Looking forward to more....

  4. I have been there! And it is a beautiful turquoise lake!

  5. Postcard perfect♫ You've made it sound like a must see/do destination! My T:

  6. You are just priming my appetite for a Canada visit!

  7. Isn't Lake Louise just the most beautiful place to visit and hike? Hubby and I were there in June just before the flooding. The water was like glass. Pure heaven I think!
    Happy October my friend!
    xo Catherine

  8. that water looks like the Caribbean! Beautiful photo! {:-D

  9. That is so beautiful...almost like a painting!

  10. This is absolutely breathe taking! I also clicked on your links to your other photos of Banff - all so gorgeous! I am green with envy. How I would love to visit these places and take such incredible pictures like you. Oh well, maybe someday I shall. :D Gr8 job! Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. Oh, wow!! Beautiful! I never, ever would have guessed "Canada" when I first saw the photos!

  12. We went canoeing on Lake Louise, and I must admit the first time I looked down into the water I was a little nervous. The lake water from the glaciers is a coloidal (sp?) suspension and you can see nothing but turquoise "milk." I hoped Rod know how to paddle a canoe! What a beautiful photo!!!!!

  13. The color is unreal! Gorgeous photo.

  14. Breathtakingly beautiful!!! So tranquil!

  15. Isn't it just one of the most beautiful sights?! Once seen, the colour of the water is imprinted forever - I don't think there's anything like it anywhere else.

  16. Lovely! ANd you must be furry fit!

  17. This looks so tranquil... I love the turquoise water!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "T" - Terrific job!



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