
Thursday, December 26, 2013

a few favorites

(very random)
In the Spring of 2011, we re-nested 3 baby barred owls.  This is "Barry," the first baby owl, so named by the neighborhood children.
I blogged about the owls:
Baby Owl #2 

I love exploring nature with my camera.  The tiny details of flowers fascinate me.  Sometimes I'm lucky and capture a creature as well.  This photo is my blog avatar which I've used since I started blogging in January of 2009.

I love to hike, especially in the mountains.  This photo was taken at the end point of a hike in Lake Louise, Canada--The Plain of Six Glaciers.  It is one of my all-time favorite hikes.  The scenery along the entire route is stunning.  To the tea house is about 3.5 miles with an elevation gain of 1200 feet. 
photos of the hike on AlbertaWow

I love the beach and the ocean.  I grew up 3 hours from the Eastern shore of the US, so trips to the beach were frequent.  This is a photo of Cupecoy, a beach on a favorite Caribbean island--St. Maarten.  

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter  is "F."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me  © 2007-2013   all rights reserved


  1. Love the set, my fave would have to be Lake Louise.... a piece of Canada is a piece of home to me. :-)

  2. wow, that owl is stunning! as are the rest of these photos!

  3. what beautiful photos. And look at that! A large view of the whole flower from your avatar! Neat! {:-D

  4. I love a wrap up of favorites...good choice for letter F. Happy merry holidays♪

  5. That's quite a variety and I can see why they are favorites! Barry is just the cutest!

  6. These pictures are absolutely breathtaking. Good job!

  7. What stunning captures!

    Happy Holidays!

  8. Oh, wow! I love that owl picture. What a great capture!

  9. You do post lovely photos! And Barry is adorable!!

  10. That owl is so cute! Your photos are all so beautiful!

  11. I love, love, love these favorites -- they would be my favorites, too. :)

    What a great F for Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday! If you want to read about Disney's Frozen, hop over to my blog. Frozen is my F this week. :)

    Greetings from Germany,

  12. All of the photos are gorgeous!
    The baby owl is adorable. I've never had the good fortune of seeing one up close.
    I too love the beach and ocean, beautiful scenery!

  13. These are just lovely! We Pinned the owl :-) Happy New Year! May 2014 be filled with joy - and the cats with Oliver lots of rost chikkun.

  14. These are some fun-filled favorites... By the looks of some of your adventures, you are a fearless woman!

    Fabulous post for the letter "F"!

    Thanks for linking.



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