
Friday, January 3, 2014

snowy days

Snow silently fell through the night on Wednesday and then all day yesterday.  While I was out and about in this magical snow-covered worId I took these photos.

The above 3 photos are all color!

Today it's gloriously sunny.  and freezing!   The snow glows and sparkles in the bright sunlight.

Someone is enjoying the warm sun on his fur!

The snow looks like soft, fluffy cotton! 

photos by me  © 2014     all rights reserved


  1. I do love your snowy pics!! They remind me of when I lived in Montana, where we raised our four kids and the fun we had in the snow every winter!! Thanks for sharing!! These have made my day!! Have a lovely weekend and a great year ahead!!


  2. I love taking snow pics..yours are lovely! We didn't get but a few flakes with this last "system" here in the East Tennessee "valley". My poor family in SD got snow and their temps are 10 below to 50 below w/ windchill (and the wind always blows there) Yikes! Glad I am cozy here!

  3. Happy snow day! The photos are gorgeous. (It looks cold!)

  4. Wonderful snow photos! Oliver sure looks like he is enjoying the sunpuddle :)
    Very pretty bokeh effect in the last one!

  5. It's a good thing that it's pretty! Great job with the bokeh in the last shot.

  6. Wow! I wouldn't have guessed those are actually color photos.

  7. Your pics are dreamy and beautiful.

  8. Gorgeous, gorgeous! I am a little jealous, since I really miss this kind of snow. I don't want to live in it, mind you, but I do like to visit. We (previous husband and family) used to visit often to ski, but my current beloved hubby just doesn't like the cold! Lived in it toooooo long!

  9. Oh, forgot to say . . . gorgeous photos, again! You always capture it just right!

  10. Those snow covered trees are gorgeous, great shots


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