
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

a (very good) helper

Oh boy!  It's organize the files time!
I'm so talented at holding them down for you, aren't I?  It's my special gold medal technique!

Oh, so these are old store accounting papers you want to shred...

Then I'll just guard these book club lists.  I know you want to keep them. 

I'm such a very good helper, aren't I?  I sure deserve some treats for all this very difficult and exacting work!

Wordless Wednesday--where I linked up: 

(Although, I'd say this is actually Wordy Wednesday!)

The Art and Tree Chatter of Aquariann


photos by me © 2014  all rights reserved


  1. Send him my way next...I can use the help :)
    What a cutie!

  2. What a good helper! He can sort my paperwork, too, if he wants. :-)

  3. Good to know other people have cat helpers, too! That's a very handsome helper!

  4. Awww, your kitty is the cutest helper ever! ^.^

  5. Oliver, you are the cutest helper ever! Good job keeping those papers on the ground so they don't fly away! We do hope you got plenty of treats for all that work!

  6. What a good helper you are. Come come help me shred some papers. :)

  7. You do deserve lots of treats! That's a lot of work!

  8. Wish I had a helper like that for sorting papers!

  9. Kitties are such good helpers aren't they? ;)
    xo Catherine


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