
Friday, April 4, 2014


To celebrate our wedding anniversary and to escape the cold and snow, my hubby and I traveled by plane
(de-icing the plane as seen through the airplane window)

(The scrubby gray and lime green plants covering the "mountain" contrast with the deep blue sky dotted with floating white puffy clouds.) 
to the lovely, warm, semi-arid tropical Caribbean island of Sint Maarten/Saint Martin. 

We "discovered" a most gorgeous beach, Happy Bay.  Rocks emerge in various configurations at one end of this lovely crescent of sand.  

Time to return home.  Our flight out has been significantly delayed.  We miss our connector.  The airline puts us up for the night and we get about 2½ hours of sleep.  The upside of this is we get to watch a beautiful sunrise from the window of the plane.  ( I will confess to you that it's rare for me to ever see the sun rise.)  Here we are on top of the clouds!

past POST on textures

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "T." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

Come join this awesome meme SkyWatch Friday and link up! Meet folks from all over the globe!  SkyWatch Friday is hosted by Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.

photos by me  © 2014  all rights reserved  (all iPhone except photo #2)


  1. These photos are gorgeous! I love the various texture, especially the sunrise/clouds as seen from the plane :)

  2. Beautiful! Sorry about your delays, but it looks like you have a nice Caribbean experience! Isn't watching de-icing crazy?

  3. beautiful sky moments. thanks for sharing.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Wonderful photos, sorry about your delay... Loved the sunrise shot from the plane... breathtaking.

  5. I need an ocean to sit by...

    Lovely shots...

  6. Beautiful photos. My personal favorite was the one of the de-icing of the plane.

  7. Beautiful shots... and I like the de-icing abstract photo!!

  8. What fabulous shots.

  9. Wow, what beautiful shots! You really know how to find the beauty in life :) Thanks for sharing!

  10. That stinks to have a delay like that, but it sounds like the trip went well otherwise. I love the rich colors and textures in your photos.

  11. Thanks for sharing your vacation♪ Looks like a lovely time!

  12. love the sunset - you really captured the glorious colours. my favourite colours!

  13. My favorite picture of sunset - I like how colors of sky reflected in water , but so invisible on the blue sky! Gorgeous!

  14. Wow! What a wondrously romantic way to celebrate your wedding anniversary.

  15. The shot from above the clouds is just awesome! Few get a chance to even try this shot! Great!


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