
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

art on buildings

On the last Saturday in April, my son graduated from the University of Cincinnati!  After the ceremony, we wandered around an area of town known as Over the Rhine.  We saw several buildings painted with large murals on their sides.

Called Energy and Grace, this mural was a partnership between ArtWorks and the Art Academy of Cincinnati.  "To celebrate the school’s commitment to reviving this historic community, ArtWorks turned a painting by one of its professors, native Cincinnatian and internationally acclaimed abstract artist Kim Krause, into a mural."  The painting is a celebration of the energy and momentum of the rival of this area of Cincinnati.

Energy and Grace 
ArtWorks-- murals in the Cincinnati area

I posted this photo on my instagram site.  Are you on instagram?  Come find me HERE!  

Wordless Wednesday/ Wordy Wednesday--where I linked up: 

  The Art and Tree Chatter of Aquariann


photo by me © 2014  all rights reserved


  1. Congratulations to your son! That mural is marvelous.

  2. What an incredible mural! Congratulations to your son!

  3. I love murals on buildings, but I only ever get to see any when I'm in the big city!
    That abstract artwork is fantastic!
    And congratulations to your son :)

  4. I love the bright colors! We have some murals here, but they're in a lot of neutral colors for some reason and they just aren't very eye-catching.

  5. Congrats to your son for graduating. The mural looks amazing, pretty street art sure makes the world a better looking place!

  6. All I can say is: "Interesting"!

  7. That's so colorful and pretty!


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