
Thursday, May 29, 2014

blue, bears, and books

Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist) are blooming profusely in my garden. 

Long ago, I made the little bear (She needs a touch of nose surgery.), her dress, and the quilted rug.

more bears and detail of the children section of my newish bookshelves

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "B." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!  

Thank you, Ms Jenny, for hostessing another round!

photos by me  © 2014   all rights reserved


  1. Squeee! What a cutie bear you made! Are all those your books from childhood? I kept a lot of mine, but not that many! Wish I had kept them all. I spotted Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.... LOVED her! Stephanie has my set and I imagine that Noli has read them by now :)

    1. I got all wrapped up in Mrs Piggle-Wiggle and forgot to say that the Nigella is gorgeous! I've never seen one before... it's beautiful and unusual. Are those thorns on it?

    2. Most of the books are from my kids' childhood. A few are from mine. The Mrs Piggle-Wiggle books were a gift from a babysitter I had when young.
      Looking (way) back, I think I didn't own a lot of books. We went to the library often. I had favorites and of course had to share those with my children and so bought some of them.

      Those do look like thorns on the Nigella in the photograph. But they are not! just very soft fringe-y leaves.

  2. Love those sweet bears! But books are a number one favorite of mine. I can not stop buying them. I have enjoyed stopping by and saying hello. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Never seen that flower before and thought it was a cactus. I had to look closely. It is beautiful. DArling shelves and bears. xo Jenny

  4. That flower is beautiful...I've never seen it before! The teddy is so CUTE :)

  5. I am about to start knitting a bear for when my grandchildren come to stay .i live idea of children's bookshelf

  6. What an interesting flower! I thought those were thorns as well, Sarah.
    And your bears look so cute sitting with your books :)

  7. cute teddy bears. I was more into stuffed animals than dolls! {:-D

    1. Me, too, Deb. Perhaps that was because I had a brother. I had about a million of them! (Stuffed animals, not brothers!)

  8. Aw, the little teddy bears are a nice touch on the shelves! I didn't even notice the "thorns" on the nigella that other people mentioned because I was so distracted by the color. Haha. I don't think I've ever seen one of those before!

  9. Oh those little teddy bears are so cute!

  10. Oooh.


    I'd forgotten all about that flower. It's so beautiful and the color is sublime!

    Love the books and the bears! What a bountiful display of beauty!

    Thank you for linking.


  11. Love-in-the-Mist: I have never seen one of these, only heard of them! Beautiful!! (sorry, flowers far outweighed the bears for my interest!) :)


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