
Friday, June 27, 2014


I'm fascinated by butterflies and inspired because I'm reading Barbara Kingsolver's Flight Behavior,'s gardening season!


nectar table at The Butterfly Farm in St. Martin

People are always enchanted with the butterflies during the  exhibit at Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati, Ohio.  I love watching the interaction.  (The first photo of this POST is of a butterfly on a girl's nose!)

The Butterfly Farm  St Martin (Caribbean) --Monarch butterfly caterpillars need milkweed plants on which to feed.  Find out how, in the US, you can get free milkweed seeds.  There is a link to a USA state by state guide of where butterfly exhibits can been seen. 
Krohn Conservatory
Monarch Butterfly website --lots of information
The Butterfly Site --awesome site with a plethora of information.  Look under "Gardening" for a list of plants liked by a variety of species of caterpillars and butterflies.  There are links to butterfly varieties found state by state in the Us as well as other countries.
Barbara Kingsolver

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "F." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!  

Thank you, Ms Jenny, for hostessing another round!

photos by me  © 2010 and 2011   all rights reserved


  1. Gorgeous! Love that last one! Never seen one like that!

  2. Butterflies are so beautiful! I'll have to look up that book!

  3. We LOVE butterflies too !
    To bad they are so hard to catch on photos.

  4. I love your butterfly exhibit. It's nice to have one nearby. Beautiful butterflies. xo Jenny

  5. I just love that photo of the butterfly on the girl's nose!
    You've captured some beautiful butterflies here :)

  6. Beaufiful pictures of lovely creatures.

  7. I love butterflies too - they're often to be seen making an appearance in my art works :)

  8. These are beautiful photos. I love seeing the butterflies around my farm.

  9. I'm fascinated by butterflies, too! We don't get a lot of them in our yard, but our neighbors have a ton of flowers and they always get some floating by. :-)

  10. I also love butterflies -- great photos. If you want to see the butterflies in Munich's Botanical Garden, just click here.

    Greetings from Germany,

  11. I haven't seen that book! I'm going to reserve it at the library, though.

    I love butterflies but I don't like them to land on me.

    Yeah. I'm a weinie!

    Thanks for a fantastic link for the letter F this week.



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