
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

iPhone kitties

Here are a few kitty photos taken with my iPhone.

 very sleepy!  Oliver (my kitty)

It's very difficult to photograph a black cat, and this is just an iPhone photo.  This is Edward Bunk aka Bunkie (my daughter's cat)  His eyes are yellow, but in some lights they look turquoise.

ice cream store kitty.  very friendly.

Tigra (my daughter's kitty is full of personality.  Her love of food is unparalleled!)

Oliver is working very hard guarding the wine we brought home from a visit with our wine rep daughter.

I am linking up with Cats on Tuesday, a fun meme posted by Gattina on her "My Cats and Funny Stories" blog.  Do you love cats?  blog about them perhaps?  Come on over HERE to see some great kitty stories!

photos by me © 2014  all rights reserved


  1. My cell phone is NOT an iPhone so consider me jealous that your phone takes such great photos!

  2. I am also jealous if the quality of the camera in your iPhone!! Fun shots.

  3. Wow, what great pics from a phone! I am still trying to figure out why my vertical pics from my phone post horizontally! Great kitties!! I love them. Thanks for the tip for the cat blog!

  4. Great photos but of course the subjects are pawesome! Oliver is so handsome! Love all the kitties!

  5. Great kitty captures! I hear you on photographing black cats.

  6. I LOVE all the kitties here!
    You should see Sammy's love of food ;-)

  7. Very nice pictures ! Couldn't believe that it was taken with an Iphone !

  8. I can never get enough of cat photo's! I often try photographing my mums cats, but there aren't doing a good job modelling...

  9. You furry kitties such an adorable models! Love them all!

  10. They're all just so cute! I never pass up an opportunity to pet a kitty :)

  11. They are adorable! I swear you could sell the top one as a postcard or a note card. Everything about it is perfect. You are so right about black cats. Punkie (my black cat) is such a ham, she loves the camera while my dog runs from it. When you photograph black cats everything has to be right (lighting, angle, etc) or all you get is a black blob. You did good on this one!

  12. Loving the cat photos! My cat darla is a grey colour and I find it hard to get a good photo of her because she is a little dark. Also, my cat murphy can rival any cat for food loving I think ;)

  13. ha! I have some wine that needs guarding .... is Oliver for hire?

  14. Your kitty images are adorable, I love them all. :)

  15. My word - what striking kitties you have!
    I'm especially in love with that beautiful black cat!

    (You KNIOW I am going to check out this meme...)

    Have a wonderful week!


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