
Thursday, July 31, 2014


Tom, the farm kitty, is seriously snoozing during the hubub of customers picking up produce during the CSA!  I couldn't believe how unperturbed he was!

Tigra looks at me with earnest eyes.  I know what she's thinking.  something that is never far from her hungry mind--"Do you have food?"

sleepy Oliver 

Arizona kitty

getting comfy

PS:  to clarify-- Tom is my friends' kitty and lives on a farm; Tigra is my daughter's kitty and lives with her in Asheville;  Oliver lives with me!; and the Arizona kitty was photographed in a park in Phoenix where I was visiting.

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "K."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!  

all iPhone--photos by me  © 2013 and 2014   all rights reserved


  1. Great shots. I especially LOVE the one of Tigra!

  2. Oh, you have wonderful cats. Great candids♪

  3. These cats are just beautiful. They certainly take their napping seriously. I'm a bit teary eyed looking at these, because I miss my Buzi. I'm also happy there is another cat lover out there. Great photos.

  4. some pretty kitties here! and Oliver does look pretty cozy

  5. All so sweet! You should print out and frame that one of Tigra -- it looks like it was taken in a studio!

  6. So, so, so sweet and cute! Thanks for making my day brighter :) Happy weekend to you!

  7. Tigra has beautiful markings! Oliver is so handsome! All the kitties are precious!

  8. You have such lovely kitties! They all look quite content in their lives with you.

  9. What cuties...all of them! Cats have a way of not letting anyone ruin their naps :)

  10. Enjoyed seeing all the kitties. I'm our neighborhood's crazy little old cat lady, so naturally I enjoyed your post.

  11. Sweet kitties :)
    Tom seems a very laid back kitty and sleepy Oliver is adorable!

  12. What a fabulous round up of adorable felines!

  13. Oliver looks so fluffy! His picture makes me with I had a fluffy kitty to pet. (I think the guinea pig heard that because she just started making all sorts of silly noises! At least I'm not totally critter-less)

  14. I love how kitties can look so 'melted' when they snooze.

    I don't think I've ever even heard a cat snore while napping!

    Thanks for sharing these kuties for the letter K.



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