
Thursday, August 28, 2014

snippet of an Ohio summer

How fun to watch a ball game on a glorious summer day!

It's a hit!

The Ohio River is visable from the park.

a young fan enjoying the game

Besides watching the game and people watching, one can also watch boats cruise up and down the river.

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "O" (for Ohio).  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!  

photos by me  © 2013   all rights reserved


  1. I love that you can see the river from the ball field!

  2. What a beautiful view from the stadium! There's nothing like an exciting game of baseball, unless it's an exciting horse race. Looks like you are having a really fun summer.

  3. There's a lot of boat traffic on the river! Love the riverboat :)
    This is some great photography, btw!

  4. Great photography and fun photos for summer time fun in Ohio!

    artmusedog and carol ( A Creative Harbor)

  5. Lovely bridge, but now I have 'Take Me Out To the Ball Game' in my head. :-)

  6. I'd love to be on that paddle boat! Great view from the ball field. {:-D

  7. Beautiful photos depiction what looks like a great summer. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed!
    Laura from etsy blog team

  8. Oh wow! I didn't realize the stadium was right on the water. Sometimes I get a little bored at baseball games, so watching the boats would be a good distraction, haha!

  9. I love how the stadium has steamboat stacks! Great photos.

  10. Glad you got to a game this summer...that's what it's all about♪

  11. Great, great photos! Seeing them makes me feel like I live in the area. But, I'm far, far away :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  12. And if you get bored with the game, you can always watch the boats! How perfect is that??

  13. A terrific summer playground! I think I may have traveled over that bridge! Your photos are terrific! Enjoy the weekend and thank you for sharing.

  14. That's a neat place to view a game! We always have a roof over our heads.

  15. We used to go to the dodger games, years ago when we lived in LA. Recently we went to a minor league farm team game that plays here. The Hops, a farm team for the Arizona Diamonbacks. They recently won the championship in their league play. My grands went to see the game--the former softball players, Courtney and Colleen.


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