
Friday, October 3, 2014


random photos of trees

Scotty's Castle in Death Valley National Park.  How wonderful to be under a tree amidst such a dry desert with almost no vegetation!

There was quite a bit of excitement around my house a few weeks ago as dead trees were being removed from my yard and a couple neighbors' yards.  Chain saws were buzzing and sawdust was flying!
This tree is across the street.  It is very tall.  This guy is above the rooftop.  He's roped in, but leaning backward and loping that branch off with a chain saw.  These guys are fearless!  I watched him swing from branch to branch like Tarzan!
(not the best photo, but if you study it, the tree sawing process seems pretty crazy)

another blurry photo, but shows the beginning of swinging through the trees, chainsaw dangling.

These guys really are fearless!

birds' nest in crabapple

ornamental Clevland pear tree fruit.  a pretty golden bronzy color.

At long last, after a couple weeks of no computer, and then another without my hard drive being installed, my new computer is up and running!  not perfect, can't access my documents yet, but I do have all my photos.
Sadly, I've missed 3 letters of the alphabet!  I hope Ms. Jenny won't flunk me!

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "T."  Come visit others' submissions HERE  and join in the fun!  

photos by me  © 2014   all rights reserved  


  1. Great photos! I love that gnarled tree in the first photo!

  2. The last two pictures are splendid! Thank you for stopping by this week! Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. Love the nest and berries! Those guys are crazy! I'm lucky if I don't get scared on a step!

  4. Woah - that looks like too much tree excitement! The nest and berries look more my speed. =)

  5. A lot of Ash trees have died in our area and slowly they are being removed....hopefully to be replaced with more hardy trees....Have a great weekend♪

    1. Yes, unfortunately the Emerald Ash Borer is destroying ash trees.

  6. Wonderful photos! Love the birds nest. So glad the tree saver guy was wearing a harness!!!

  7. That's qyite an event to cut a tree ! I had it with our weeping willow ! Beautiful pictures !

  8. I have watched those guys! It's amazing how fearless they are...

    Love the bird's nest in the crab apple....

  9. they are big trees! Love looking at your photos. Been thinking of planting a tree in the front, since so many of mine are now gone... {:-D

  10. Wonderful post and photos for T ~ Trees are wonderful but sometimes seem to want to take over the world! Happy Day to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Pruning trees is a risky business. But it looks like all went well here. YAY!

  12. Beautiful photos, I feel pain when I see cut trees!

  13. Those birds sure picked a nice spot to built their nest, great capture!


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