
Friday, November 7, 2014

Botanical Yellow

The glorious splendor of Fall is captured in sunny Chrysanthemums.

What fun flowers Celosias are!  In the Victorian language of flowers, celosia symbolizes warmth, humor, and silliness.  I think of them as Dr. Seuss flowers.  My neighbor grew plants from seeds and gave me some, most of which were bright pink.  The crazy shapes they grew in, made me smile.

a crazy discovery:  conjoined black eyed susans growing in my garden.  The stem was thick and flat.  The center seedhead is almost a continuous oval.

(continuing the "yellow" theme from last week's xanthophyll--you know, the stuff that makes plants yellow.)

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "Y."  Come visit others' submissions HERE  and join in the fun!  

iPhone photos by me  © 2014   all rights reserved 


  1. Love your Yellow photos! Wish my chrysantemums looked that nice! I've never seen a flower like your second picture! I'm going to have to go look that up. I love black eyed susans. How funny that it grew that way.

  2. So great to see such vivid colors this time of year! And those flowers are crazy! Lots of fun :)

  3. Your Fall flowers are beautiful! I've never seen Celosias before. How unique! I love how they look furry.

  4. First you blew me away with the Dr. Seuss flower, but then you surprised me again with the mega black-eyed Susan! Never seen either of those before.

  5. Yellowest of yellow, Margaret.. Surely I had a yellow flower picture when I was digging around for yellow pictures. You have the best, I hadn't visited here before. Your 'conjoined black eyed susan picture' reminded me of a bumble bee sitting on top. Almost a double take I did. Thank You,

  6. Love your choice of specimens...♪

  7. Color and details are stunning! Put me a shame to show my pictures taking with Iphone :).... but yours are the best!

  8. I think you gave that one flower the perfect name. It does remind me of Dr. Suess. Those yellow flowers were beautiful and the conjoined Blackeyed Susans was quite a find.

  9. The yellow dominated color reminds me of so many things that boosts life :) Thanks for sharing :) LOve them for sure, (Mine died actually because I potted them wrongly in small cramped up plant container)

  10. It's really very beautiful flowers. I love crysenthemum and the scent too but I cant seems to be able to take care of it. Kept dying on me .


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