
Sunday, November 2, 2014


...a yellow carotenoid plant pigment that causes the autumn color of leaves

This color is masked by chlorophyll in the summer.  Xanthophylls aid in the absorption of light by capturing specific wavelengths and rapidly transferring this energy to chlorophyll. 

This photo was taken about two weeks ago.  Now most of the leaves have fallen off the trees.  There are still some beautiful red leaved maples.  The pear trees have only just begun to turn red.

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "X."  Come visit others' submissions HERE  and join in the fun!  

iPhone photo by me  © 2014   all rights reserved 


  1. Don't you just love that word??? I used it the last time around! What fun! Love your photo!

  2. Oh my goodness! This is so pretty and even the whole page seems like brighten the room:)

  3. Gorgeous colors and lovely trees.. Have a happy week! BTW, thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment..

  4. What a great shot! I can't believe how fast everything changed. I'm glad I got to get out and enjoy them while they were beautiful, because ours are all gone now too!

  5. BEAUTIFUIL!! Some of our trees are bare, too, but I love the mix of reds, oranges, and yellow in Fall.

  6. That is a beautiful picture! I sure do wish they would stay pretty for a little longer. We had that horrible storm on Friday which blew most of the leaves off the trees. We do have some left in the backyard which we wish would drop so we could do the final raking. Well, we don't really rake, we have a cyclone attached to the tractor and we suck them up.

  7. Perfect timing to use that X-word. The rain we had last night and today has just about denuded the trees here. I love the leaves but I also love seeing graceful limbs lined with snow. :)

  8. Great X post this week and I love the orange of the maple leaves :)

  9. thanks for the botany lesson. I didn't know that! (Obviously didn't ever take botany :)


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