
Monday, March 9, 2015

"adopted" pets

On a recent trip to Aruba, I "adopted" a few new pets!  First, there was a small herd of kitties who came to hang out on our deck and entertain.  Most were about 6 months old. 

These kitties were very sweet and friendly.  Hubby was so enthralled, he brought them tooona which they lapped up greedily.

On Eagle Beach, a little dog frolicked in the sand, running back and forth, bouncing and jumping, full of joy.

And then on Bonaire, we enjoyed the company of a mockingbird and a lizard both of whom visited our patio repeatedly.
This is a Whiptail Blue Lizard (Cnemidophorus murinus ruthveni), endemic to only Bonaire. 

It was fun to enjoy these adopted pets while missing our kitty at home.

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week out letter is "P."  Come see others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!

photos by me  © 2015   all rights reserved 


  1. Kitties are beautiful! My son would like that lizard. He's a herpetologist and loves pictures of each species.

  2. Such sweet kitties! I would've loved to have them around too! I could do without the lizard though. *shivers*

  3. I love cats and dogs but dont think i would like to adopt lizard LOL

  4. I always enjoy meeting furry friends in other parts of the world! Those kitties are adorable. And the lizard is simply beautiful!

  5. It's nice to run into "replacement pets" when yours is at home :)
    Those kitties are sweet and remind me of our outside cats when they were little!

  6. Woah - that lizard is intense! The kitties are sweet, but I'd probably run away from the lizard!

  7. Wonderful photo captures! Love those kittens and the pup. The lizard is beautifully marked but huge! WOw! Great share thanks and have a wonderful week.

  8. Aww...they're all so cute :) And I love the colors of the lizard!

  9. I have a hard time to see an animals posts, still have a sadness when I think about my Nikki and all those 17 years of fun and happy memories. But I think of all those creatures who still need lovely home ... so my husband and I already preparing for new arrival ... possibly just like our old dog :)

  10. What a wonderful pet-cation you and your hubby had! That lizard is really beautiful. Actually, all of your visitors are standouts. :-)


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