
Thursday, March 31, 2016

It's Spring!

Spring is here!  Spring is here!

Spring is that delicious time of year when the Earth renews its loveliness and reveals secrets once hidden in the frozen ground.  Let's celebrate!
I love the contrast of the riotous pink against the stark bare tree branches.

Magnolias are so glorious!

A robin delights in the day.

Flowers are medicine for the soul.

species tulip


Daffodils dance in the breeze! (12 second video)
Click to activate.

Spring audaciously revels in its glorious renewal!

My Blogging Business Artisans team on etsy hosts a new Challenge every month. The purpose is to encourage us to explore our creativity, to stretch our imaginations.  
Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers set forth the following Challenge for the month of March:

"Early Spring.  Since our friend Punxsutawney Phil said we'd have an early start to spring...let's celebrate!  and hope he is right (fingers crossed)."

(He WAS right!  at least where I live.)

QUESTION:  What inspires you to create?

© photos by me  all rights reserved 


  1. Gorgeous blossoms! Spring is late over here...

  2. We had an early spring, too! We also didn't have much of a winter and compared to how things usually are here, we barely had snow. But I'm not complaining!

  3. Redbuds are my favorite trees. Followed very closely by those beautiful magnolias!
    "Flowers are medicine for the soul"...I couldn't agree more!

  4. Oh this is wonderful Margaret! I love the term 'riotous' color against the stark branches of winter. That is a perfect description of early spring flowers ushering in spring! Thanks for playing along this month!


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