
Sunday, July 24, 2016

random cool things II

Have you heard of these?!
My friends Marc and Claire are the organic farmers at Ohio's only agri-community, Aberlin Springs!  Nestled among over 140 acres of preserved forests and meadows, the community will be centered around the farm.   Being developed with a "Farm-to-Table" philosophy, residents will be active participants in their farm's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  The idea is to share community in a variety of ways while reconnecting with the natural world.  House building will begin this fall.
© Aberlin Springs
Aberlin Springs  
Finn Meadows Farm Marc and Claire Luff's farm
other agri-communities 
article about Serenbe (Georgia)

Mycobacterium vaccae, a bacteria present in soil, appears to be a natural antidepressant.  These microbes seem to cause cytokine levels to rise, which results in the production of higher levels of serotonin.  How do these microbes get inside you and how long do the "happy" effects last?  The microbes can be inhaled as well as enter through breaks in the skin.  Studies say the effects may last up to 3 weeks.
So go out and play in the dirt!

These photos are from a year ago.  There was a group of about 15 of us who helped revamp this community garden.  In 4 hours we took this garden from mostly decrepit to beautiful.  It was so much fun working together!   
Here's the article

© 2012 google
Artist Jon Rafman has zeroed in and screenshot many of google's street views.  Some amazing images have appeared!
Google street views on Tech Insider
Jon Rafman's site (even more photos)
aerial earth views (I'm adding this just because there are some very interesting ones.)

LA CITÉ DU VIN (The City of Wine)
©XTU-Casson Mann-ANAKA-La Cité du Vin
This wine theme park and museum in Bordeaux, France will offer a comprehensive, immersive wine experience. Yes, please!  Learn about the history of wine, get educated in wine tasting, make wine, visit vineyards, dine at restaurants, enjoy a bazillion (slight exaggeration!) different wines.  To learn more, click the link below.
Forbes article

What cool things have you seen lately?

all images © by the individual attributed websites   all rights reserved


  1. That farm centered community is very cool! I love incorporating fresh homegrown veggies in our meals. Yummy!

  2. Farm centered community? Very cool! I was just saying I want to grow more of my own food.

  3. I just saw something on TV about a farm centered community -- the residents didn't garden themselves unless they wanted to join in, but all houses built would be able to see parts of the garden and residents would buy produce from a local farmer's market. Pretty neat! I looked at the list of communities and saw one that's not too far away from me -- in the DFW area. Maybe I should move!!
    Wanted to let you know... I shared your Summer Daydreams treasury on my blog!

  4. There are just a handful of agri-communities over here, but I love the concept! Who knew that dirt makes you happy?! Community gardens are great - how lovely you were a part of it! I would love to visit that wine museum one day :)
    p.s. thank you for the link to that awesome IG account!


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