
Monday, June 1, 2009

Butterflies (number one)

The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.

The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.

~ Joyce Kilmer ( Spring )

Here is a link to an earlier blog post with a young boy looking at a beautiful butterfly on his hand: Spring --third photo. This post also has a link to Krohn Conservatory.
photo by me ©2007


  1. Lovely shot,
    beautiful Poem (@^.^@)

  2. This photos was taken at a butterfly exhibit at Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. What I like about it is the different ages of the hands all sharing in the joy of holding the butterfly.

  3. BEAUTIFUL! Are they hands you know?


  4. That is beautiful! I have never seen such a vibrantly green butterfly, and I love the difference in hands all together there.

  5. How did you get that butterfly to land there and wow! you had your camera ready! Thats fantastic!

  6. Every year Krohn Conservatory has a butterfly exhibit in one of the garden rooms. They get butterflies from all over the world. I did not know any of these people. But there is a lot of "bonding" going on among the butterfly observers. I had my camera at the ready. (There is another blog post about this here: --third photo.) I can't tell you exactly why this particular butterfly landed--sometimes they smell sweetness; other times they are attracted to color. At other butterfly exhibits I have been to, fruit and/or sugar water is put out for them. At one place they let you dip your fingers into it.

  7. Wow! What magnificent color!
    Yet another great photo :)

  8. What a gorgeous butterfly! They are so delicate and pretty!

  9. Butterflies are so beautiful, their beauty appeals to all ages and brings people together. All this captured in one photo, excellent.

    Have a wonderful day.


  10. Shazaaaaaaam!! that's an amazing photo - I'm smiling and soon I will be sleeping and dreaming of butterflies...

  11. That is an beautiful and very moving photo - I love both the butterfly and the hands from different generations. Very well done, Margaret!

  12. Beautiful; both photo and poem.

    Shirl x


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