
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Super Comments Award

Mishcat gave me this Super Comments Award. And guess what - it has no rules! How fun is that! It would be great to give this to everyone who comments on this blog, but I closed my eyes and picked five bloggers to pass it on to:
Beaded Tail
Rose Works Jewelry
Vintage Inspired Jewelry
Southern Charm Quilts
Aly Gatr's Everywhere

Please feel free to pass it on to anyone you like - or just enjoy it. I think this is a really pretty award and the panda is so cute.


  1. Thank you so much m'dear! I just blogged about it :)

  2. You are too sweet! Thank you so much.

  3. I'm really glad you like the award - and I always enjoy reading your comments, so you definitely deserve it!

  4. Congratulations on your award! Thank you so much for passing it on to me! I appreciate it!


Your comments make my day! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!