
Monday, May 11, 2009

inspiration--Mother's Day style

a few wonderful blog posts for Mother's Day. You simply must go check these out! (inspiring, humorous, and/or perhaps out of the ordinary)

one more:

Lucinda and there are more parts to this story, but you will have to search SQ's blog! Part one starts here.

photos are columbine from my garden on Mother's Day ©2009


  1. Such a lovely post, I will be checking out each link. The flowers are beautiful.

    Thank you for linking to my Mother's Day post. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

  2. I love coming to your blog and seeing all of your beautiful photography!
    Now off to check those links...

  3. Those flowers are just beautiful! Are they yours?

    Off to check out the linkage...


  4. That columbine photo is beautiful! I have some that have migrated into my garden, but they are all double varieties. Nice, but not as pretty as the singles - or that's my opinion anyway.

  5. I took these photos of columbine on Mother's day--in my garden! They are rather hidden now, peeking out from behind bushes, so I really should move them.

  6. Margaret, Thank-you for all the sweet comments. And it was so kind of you to put a link to my blog!! What a sweet gesture!!! My mother was an awesome woman!! Bless you sweet Margaret, Deborah

  7. The photos you have here are incredible.
    That was so very nice of you to post a link to my blog, I am honored to be included.
    On my way now to check out all the others.
    Thanks again,

  8. Beautiful photos! Off to check the links!

  9. What lovely photos! Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day!


  10. oh, columbine's are my all time favorite flowers...what beautiful photos!

  11. Once again! Absolutely beautiful photography! Happy Mothers day!

  12. hope your mum is Ok and not inhospitall for anything serious..

  13. Thank you for adding the link to Lucinda's Story, I really appreciate that. Scrolling to the bottom of the page and going to Older Post will take everyone to the first parts of the story. Part 1 was on Thursday the 7th.
    Thanks again,

  14. Wow, I love the color combination. I have some mauve colored ones In my garden and they are so pretty.


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