
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What I felt like doing most of today...

Oliver and Earnest (sleeping)

photo by me © 2007


  1. Yes, they're mine! We adopted them in 2001 from a woman who takes in abused and abandoned cats. She also cares for injured wild birds and deer.

  2. I was almost going to ask when I read your comment. They're beautiful cats! Thanks so much for adopting them (and many thanks to the woman who rescued them too.)

    Oliver and Earnest are great names - I am very fond of people names for cats.

  3. Oliver and Earnest are adorable! As Katie said, thank you for adopting these precious furbabies and thanks to the woman who rescues abused and abandoned cats!

  4. They ARE sweet and adorable when they are sleeping!

  5. I have an Oliver, too (well, we call him Ollie most of the time)! Your kitties are so cute! :)

  6. Quite right of them too. A good way to spend a day.

  7. how cute...its rained for 2 weeks straight here and all I ever feel like doing is napping too!

  8. Cuties!

    I left the French Lentil Sauce recipe on my blog under the cookbook post. Also, this lentil soup recipe is great:

  9. What a great photo :-}

    Oliver (if he's the black and white) resembles our little Basil girl.

  10. Wonderful cats! I've got two black :-) Have a nice week.

  11. I found your blog from Squirrel Queen's - Nice comment about color! I commented here because we just adopted a kitten (we are dog people), and I smiled about your new cats being cute when they're sleeping - having a kitten is like having a baby! As I write, he's jumping on my keyboard, but it's OK because I want him to get his crazies out, so he'll sleep at night!


Your comments make my day! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!