
Friday, July 10, 2009

the art of laziness.... taught by Oliver
watch carefully now
If they glance your way, try to look busy.
Find a comfortable spot
and a comfortable position.
Make sure you change your sleeping spot from time to time so they'll think that you are industrious.Now you know how the professional does it!
NOTE: In photo #3, Oliver is sleeping in my husbands computer chair. My chair and computer are next to my husband's. Oliver likes to keep me company when I work at the computer. He shows up with a quiet mer-ow, hops onto the chair, and proceeds to be....lazy!
photos by me © 2009


  1. I love all these photos! Oliver looks adorable in every single one. (And my cats now say we need two computer chairs too - we are always kicking them off the one chair so we can use it!)

  2. Aw, your kitty is sooo cute. And looks like a master of his art! ;)

    (btw, I have a kitty named Oliver, too!)

  3. Aw, what a cutie! :) He looks very relaxed & happy! :)

  4. He is the cutest, sweetest kitty. He has a very loving personality. We love how he'll reach his paw out to us if he his lying on a chair next to us. We call him the cat who wants to be a dog. He likes to bring us "presents." If we throw something (like crumpled paper, kitty toy), he will often fetch it and bring it back to us.

  5. Oliver is so precious! He looks so soft, too!

  6. What a beautiful cat!! Life is hard. LOL

  7. There's no better philosophy than that of Oliver! He's really a pro, and quite handsome...but I bet he knows that!

  8. Ahh, I wish I had this life! But, then again, I'm sure I'd get bored very quickly.

    Oliver looks like our kitty Chaplin...mabie they're cousins. You can see Chap's picture down the right side of my blog. :)


  9. Too cute :)
    I could watch my dog and cats sleep for peaceful :)

  10. Oh, but Chaplin is a little just don't know!

    My sweet Kiko passed last year. She was 18, but thanks for all the kind words. She really WAS a beautiful white purebred Persian. Meow!
    My hubby did this illustration in her honour:

    Soooo very sorry to hear about Misty. I know how hard it is to let them go.


  11. Oliver is so adorable! His long white whiskers are so pretty and his nose is so cute! When I'm on the computer, my cats sleep on the desk between me and my monitor. At times they'll sleep on my lap which makes it hard to type!

  12. Looks like an expert lazy tail! I adore his coloring on his face - so cute!

  13. Aww, what a sweetie! Seems to be an expert at the art of relaxation.

    Great photos.


  14. I think my Tinkerbell must of had the same teacher. Have a great week end..Kathi

  15. Oliver's a cutie! Love the last one of him catching some zzzzs!

  16. Oh, he is just tooo cute!! Our little Bella (5 mos) is still too silly to be lazy! Ah, but our KittyBoy was the Champion in the Lazy Arena! We lost him in Novemeber & he was a Tuxedo cat~~beautiful just like your Oliver!
    We should ALL take lessons from our cats....and just Chill out from time to time!!
    Thanks so much for the smile!


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