
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mango Salsa

Here is the yummy Mango Salsa that I made and served with tacos for dinner last night. This recipe is based on one inspired by CalKat. See her recipe here. See her etsy shop here.

1 mango, chopped
1/2 C tomatoes, chopped
1/2 C orange pepper, chopped
1/2 C onion (vidalia), chopped
1/2 C fresh cilantro, chopped
1 jalapeno, cut in circles
1 lime, juice and zest

Place the jalapeno, cilantro, lime, and some of the other chopped ingredients into a food processor or blender and process well. Mix all together and serve.

Serve with tacos, burritos, or chips.
Here is the finished salsa:
photos by me © 2009


  1. Wow so a mouth watering mango salsa !! Great post..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan

  2. Yummy! I must Try it out. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE mango salsa! If my tomatoes ever ripen, I will have to have some. Also, all my cilantro went to seed, so I am going to have to rethink the cilantro supply...

  4. I'm crazy about mangos, so this looks wonderful!

    P.S. Finally answering your question - I know a little about most aspects of soil science, but the engineering part is something that is not my specialty (the people who do that are either civil engineers or what they call "soil physicists") I do applied research, but it's mostly environmentally related: waste management, reclamation, etc.

  5. Yum...I bet this was good with the tacos!

  6. This salsa looks so good...all my favorite ingredients! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the nice comment. Hope you'll visit often! Blessings to you!

  7. Yum...I'll have to try that this weekend!

  8. this post just made my mouth water, I may have to try this tonight, yumm!

  9. It looks so delicious!!!
    I didn´t know orange peppers, here in Argentina we haven´t them. Here are green, red and yellow peppers. Other thing to know :)

  10. We've never made mango salsa but I think we are now going to have to! This looks so yummy!

  11. Yum, mango salsa is the best. Good recipe, I'm going to give it a try this weekend.

  12. That looks asbolutely delicious, am definitely going to have to try, hmm... maybe not in the middle of winter though!

  13. I really need to try this. I'm not sure why but mango salsa always scares me! I love salsa...I love mangoes, but the combination just seems unnatural...but you've inspired me to try!

  14. Wow the photos are just gorgeously delicious. I bet this will superscede my salsa recipe! I love mangos, so definitely will try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.


  15. Yummm that salsa sounds wonderful!!! I will have to try it.

  16. That looks *too* good. I will have to try this!


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