
Monday, November 9, 2009

card for Jaimie

It is very painful to even write about the events that happened to Jaimie.  It hurts my heart just to think of it.  Here is a little bit of information. 
Mont Vernon is a very small town in new Hampshire.  On the night of October 4th, 2009, Jaimie Cates and her family went to bed.   Four local teenagers armed with knives, broke into their home and brutally murdered Kim (Jaimie's mother) and seriously injured 11 year old Jaimie. They chose the home for no other reason than its location, and for no other purpose than to bring harm to the occupants. It was a senseless, random crime that shook the small town and much of the state.
More information and links to a news article:
(scroll down to near the end of the entry) 
and HERE
Erin and Denise are raising cards for Jaimie!

my card (click to enlarge and see detail)

cardstock:  hot pink, black
handmade paper
Stampin' Up stamps:  Kanji, Bamboo
DP Artworks stamp:  swirl background  online shop  blog
a little note:  I have personally met Deena a number of times over several years.  In addition, our booths have been next to each other at a yearly November craft show.  I will also vouch for the high quality of her stamps!

opaque pigment gold ink
black ink
gold metallic thread

cuttlebug textile on black paper, over-inked and edged with gold
The words--tranquility, harmony, love, and wisdom (inside) express my wishes for Jaimie.

Virginia's card
To read about this project and 3 other special projects, see my blog post HOPE.
PLEASE:  Click on the Spread the Love button on the right side side of my blog for more information and to send Jaimie a card. 
photos by me © 2009
PS  I am featured on a BLOG for comments on blogging.


  1. oh! that was senseless loss of life and the scarring that will be for life....

    such lovely card! what makes it so special is that it is handcrafted instead of the mass produce ones!...more personal, more detailed!

  2. What a tragic, senseless situation. The cards are beautiful and I'm sure much appreciated.

  3. Bloody hell what animals! No, animals don't do that sort of thing. Poor things. I hope those murderers are caught and shot.

  4. Your card is nicely done! Thanks for visiting my blog and creating something for Jaimie.

  5. Lovely card for Jaimie!! Thank you for helping spread the love!

  6. What a disgrace. Can't believe those boys can be that evil! Simply Senseless! Awful!

    Your cards are beautiful and, yes, the stamps are unique. :)

  7. Hope little Jaime gets well soon & I'm sure your nice card here will cheer up the kid!

  8. oh my gosh...what a senseless indeed...hope lil jamie will cheer up once the kid see your cute cards....

    how nice of Erin and Denise to raise something....:)

    glad to be here btw!

  9. I heard about this and was all choked up over such a senseless crime. I should say, all crime is senseless...

    Lovely card I know you made straight from your heart.

  10. Beautiful cards :)

  11. The card is simply lovely, as is your mission.
    Sending good vibes yours and their way.

  12. I love the card!
    My girls love to make cards and they are very creative...I will enjoy showing them this one!


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