
Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Thanksgiving is the most wonderful celebration!  It is a time of family love and togetherness.  It's my family's favorite holiday.  This year, we might:

Besides Thanksgiving fare, my family loves to cook.  We'll spend many happy hours in the kitchen creating, talking, laughing.  (photo of vegetable soup)

hike in the woods  (behind my backyard)

play games
Check these links out!
1.  Yehuda-Top Ten Board Games 
2.'s Top Ten Free Board Games includes links to more games
Nectar Collector by Animal town Game Company was independently published in 1978.  Have fun while learning about honeybees. Maybe you will become the "Super Beekeeper!"  We played this game with our children when they were young, and brought it out again a couple years ago.  We had the most fun, laughing and laughing! 

have our own wine tasting
go to a movie
visit friends
go on  a photography shoot (Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park)
rest and play with kitties

This is for the etsy bloggers' street team

photos by me © 2008-2009 (except for photo of board game)
PS  Blogger is being very persnickety, and will not let me place elements where I want them!

1.  I'm featured on Linda Pruitt's blog!  (angel earrings)  
2.   I'm in  a treasury, too, thanks to The Goblet!       See it HERE! (holiday cheer earrings/3rd row down on left)
3.  I'm in another treasury!  This one is by Irina Photography.   See it HERE!   (T shirt, bottom right) 

Thanksgiving in the USA is always the 3rd Thursday in November.  This year it is November 26 which also happens to be my brother's birthday!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the holiday! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Wow everything is so fantastic !!This is the best way to enjoy the time !!Unseen Rajasthan

  3. That looks like a great vegetable soup!! We were thinking about vegetable stew and soda bread. We might also have a few "traditional" sides like yams and green beans and my homemade cranberry relish. It may not all go together in a traditional sense, but I am looking forward to it. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. I love thanksgiving too... more than Christmas. I could rest with the kitties right now!!! :)

  5. Thanksgiving is also, my favorite holiday. I love being with my family, although it is utter chaos! But I am thankful! And you are welcome for the little feature--I love those earrings!!

  6. What lovely Thanksgiving traditions you have! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  7. This sounds like a great Thanksgiving...enjoy the time with your family...looks like you have lots of fun planned :)

  8. Holiday I need it also :-)
    Lovely thanksgiving traditions do you have !!!
    When its thanksgiving??
    I don't now
    its not in The Netherlands !!
    Have a wonderful day
    Anya :)

  9. Your plans for the holiday sound wonderful. The vegetable soup sounds really good as the temperatures drop, I might have to add it the the menu. Playing with kitties is always good.

    Blogger has been a real pain this last month for me too. For awhile it wouldn't let me post on some blogs, and I've also had a few problems with post. That doesn't even count the time a few weeks ago when I couldn't even get into my blogs. Good luck.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  10. The veggie soup looks delicious!
    Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving traditions.Happy Thanksgiving!


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