
Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart giveaway

how would you like to fly away,
fly away on a magic carpet!
to a land where your most favored dreams become reality!

One World One Heart was created by Lisa in 2007 to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet.  The object is to discover new and wonderful people along the way, and in the process possibly win one or many prizes.  It's all about sharing and finding kindred spirits.

So come on in!  Let's get started!    Please stay awhile,  Make yourself comfortable and look around.  After your visit here, grab your magic carpet and fly on over to the next home.  As Lisa says, "Think of this as taking a giant tour of homes; you get to stop in, look around, meet the people who live there, admire and be inspired and before you go on to the next one you leave your name in hopes to win a door prize at each home."
And now for my giveaway!

"Oh, what is it?" you say.  "It's earrings, " I say.   "I can SEE that!"  you say.
These are beautiful earrings made from Grade A freshwater rice pearls, Grade A freshwater potato pearls, and sterling silver.  The lovely pearls are so lustrous!  They will come in a silk bag that I hand dyed with the happy colors of Spring.  Read on to see how I dyed it.

After the silk is washed and dried, I tied it up.  In this case, I used orthodontic rubber bands.


 Now the tied silk is soaked in white vinegar for 30 minutes.

ready to dye!

Place in closeable baggie and microwave on high for two minutes.  You can pause the microwave every 45 seconds or so to keep the bag from bursting.  Now open up (VERY carefully) and wash  with a dab of mild soap.  Soak in a solution of water and a little fabric softener if you like.  Iron on low heat.

Now it's ironed and ready for you to win!

And now for the skinny on how to win!
FIRST, this giveaway is open to those with blogs only.  
SECOND,  leave a comment on THIS post and do tell me a dream you have--it can be tiny or very big.  You may leave as many as 5 comments, but they must be made on DIFFERENT days.
THIRD, in your comment, please leave a way for me to reach you should you win.
You have till 11:59 PM on February 14th to enter.  I will choose a winner on February 15 using a random number generator.

Go visit One World One Heart on Lisa's blog, A Whimsical Bohemian to see how to play along and for a list of all participants.
Have fun!
♥ Margaret
photos by me  © 2010 except for OWOH badge which is © 2010 by Lisa


  1. Beautiful! Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this. Thanks for entering at my blog, too. :)

    A dream of mine? A small one... to work the earth enough around my house to have beautiful flowers and tasty veggies.

  2. I was going to comment first with a dream, but Athena beat me to it. That's a wonderful dream!

    I have a dream to hike the Grand Canyon--all the way down, all the way up. I have gone only partially down so far, on several occasions.

    (Don't worry, I can't win my own prize!)

  3. Wow, it's lovely! The way the colors blend is so enthralling. Thanks for sharing the process, too-- I love seeing how other people make their lovelies!

    A dream of mine...I want a house of my own, with a big porch! One that faces not sunup or sundown, but lets me watch all the changing light. And I'll lay out large sheets of flat paper, and paint the shadows of the branches as they change....

    Happy OWOH!


  4. Beautiful earrings and pouch, my dream would be to get our house updated one day. Happy OWOH...


  5. Oh what a beautiful giveaway..please add me too!!
    Hmmm I guess my biggest dream is to have a cabin in the woods and a place on the beach too!

    Pop by mine and add your name to my hat too!!
    Sarah @ Cottage Garden Studios #158

  6. What a lovely giveaway indeed. Isn't it fun to see what everyone is doing. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  7. Beautiful earrings..great giveaway..

    My dream one day I know this is a bit of a cliche but I would dearly love to swim with dolphins..
    A girl can dream!

    Stop on by


  8. Hi Margaret! My dream is to get healthy this year... that is the 1# for me. I love how you showed the steps to dye, it came out really dreamy looking. Love it! Please enter me too and if you get a chance drop by my giveaway, I'm #422 on the list. Wishing you much peace, M

  9. My dream is to....Raise two independent, smart, loving little girls who will become independent, smart, loving women.

    sobellacreations at gmail dot com

  10. Fantastic giveaway! So happy to have stumbled upon your blog through OWOH today!

  11. Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

  12. Those earrings are so pretty and I love the silk bag too!

    Okay, a dream of mine is to someday live on the coast - I just love the ocean.

  13. I like how you explained the process.
    My dream? To be in our dream home.

  14. LOVELY!

    comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

  15. I am so in love with this giveaway! You are so creative! Beautiful!

  16. My dream? hmm, I was hoping to go spend my 45th birthday with my daughter...she's at college in another state.

  17. Let's try this again: Your jewelry is wonderful. The fact that you used pearls reminds me of a dream I had as a youngster after I watched a documentary on pearl divers in Japan. I dreamed that I could hold my breath as long as they could. Funny how that came back to me at this time of my life. Thank you for your generosity. Tina

  18. Lovely earrings and the bag is fabulous. I really enjoyed watching the process you used to dye it. My dream would be a summer house with an ocean view and a trail to the beach.

  19. Hi Margaret! I love that you shared the process for dying the silk bag. My dream - other than winning the earrings - is to curate an exhibit of the 20th century as seen through my more than 3,500 ashtrays that I have collected over the past 15 years.

    Thank you for stopping by Foxy G's Den of i-KNIT-quity, #113 on the Magic Carpet Ride.

  20. Thank you for sharing your creative process! I am amazed by the talent's of others. :)

    My little dream is to one day open a little retail shop with my friend. We would call it "Candles & Caffeine". In our shop, we would have a little cafe, offer candle making classes and sell our candles.

  21. I dream of actually making money off of my jewelry business :P

  22. A very beautiful gift.
    My dream is to visit New Zealand.

  23. These are beautiful and I totally love that you shared how you dye your silk! It is GORGEOUS!!!

  24. Lovely! sign me up to and visit my blog also #202

  25. very lovely! A dream of mine is to be able to finally meet my husband's family in Central America...we are hoping to go in June...

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  26. I have always wanted to learn how to dye silk. Your work is BEAUTIFUL! Rmember me in your drawing,
    Sharon (#52)

  27. Just beautiful!

    One of my dreams is to create with polymer clay all day long.

    Hope you are having a great day.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com

  28. You have a lovely giveaway - oh so many blogs, so little time! Please fly by my blog and say hello if you get the chance! #432 Thanks, Marie x

  29. Gorgeous! I am in love with pearls!

  30. So beautiful! I'd be a happy girl to win this :-)

  31. I love your selections of art and your blog, they are both very beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  32. Beautiful earring AND fabrics! Thank your for the opportunity to enter!


    Thank you for stopping by my blog and visiting my OWOH event! It was a pleasure to meet you!


  33. Lovely, please include me in your drawing.

  34. What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win.
    A dream, I guess right now more than anything I would want my husband to get a job. We so need that little help from God. - Krystal (

  35. The earring and bag are both really pretty :)

    My dream: To be self-employed some day! It might be a big dream...but I hope it's one that comes true someday!

    memoriesforlifescrapbooks at hotmail dot com

  36. The earrings are so very beautiful! My dream is to own a house some day down the road.

  37. My Dream is to travel the world, esp. Europe!

    Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

  38. Ahhh.. a dream huh..?
    How about if I could just laugh again in a relationship.....laugh and be happy...
    Your blog is beautiful as well as your creations!
    Count me in on this magic carpet ride..mind you... my brakes are bad!

  39. Not only do you have beautiful earrings, you also provided a wonderful tutorial. Gotta love art and learning in one blog post.

  40. Great giveaway, very elegant earrings. Please count me in. Thank you. Please feel free to drop by my blog # 153 on the magic carpet.

  41. What a wonderful giveaway you're offering! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well. #227 on the magic carpet.

  42. Ooooo! They are so beautiful! please add my name!

  43. WOW!!!! Gorgeous, would love to be entered in your giveaway. Fun to watch how your create these beauties.

  44. Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
    OWOH #473

  45. A giveaway plus a tutorial! Love it! I dream of having time and space to just create endlessly... Please put my name in the drawing. Come visit my blog to see what I'm giving away!

  46. Great blog! This is one of the best ways to travel the world. My dream is to own my own home with enough space for a studio and a great kitchen. Please enter me in your drawing.

  47. Beautiful earrings - please enter my name in your drawing. Visit my blog and sign in as well. Thanks,

  48. Love the pearls and also the tutorial.

  49. What lovely earrings and bag. A dream of mine is to spend all of my time making art and being with my kids- no 40 hour a week job!

  50. Beautiful earrings!
    My dream is to one day display my art at our local art gallery!
    Come and join my magic carpet ride too!

  51. LOVELY giveaway and thank you so very much for sharing this FUN!
    a dream i have is to meet Stevie Wonder someday.
    have an AWESOME evening! :)

  52. Beautiful giveaway. I would love to participate :D

    Come visit me:
    439. Wild Sage Lampwork

    and my team mates:
    444. Etsy Glass Artists


  53. These are beautiful!!! A dream of mine? To visit Australia someday!

    Come visit me at

  54. hello there! i love your earrings - please enter me into the giveaway.
    a dream of mine is to have a house big enough to have a dedicated arts and crafts room so i know exactly where everything is!
    feel free to fly on over to my blog here and i hope you enjoy your magic carpet ride :)

  55. Absolutely gorgeous earrings and silk bag. What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the chance to enter.

  56. fab giveaway, please count me in. Why not pop over to my blog and join my giveaway too.


  57. ooo how fun!! i love your earrings and so nice of you to share the process on dyeing! my dream is to go to the coast of scotland with my boys!!
    please count me in!!
    jeanzosss (at) yahoo (dot) com

  58. My become a good photographer.

    The earrings are beautiful.

    niteswimming [AT] gmail

  59. A dream would be a country house next to a river.

    The earrings are lovely, thanks for the chance to win. my blog

  60. The earrings and the little silk bag are beautiful! Please do enter me in your giveaway.

    One of the dreams I have is to visit Holland in the near future.


    #162 on OWOH list

  61. very pretty gifts!
    Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
    I will back to visit after the event.

  62. A very nice giveaway! Please count me in

    #350 on the magic carpet ride

  63. Very beautiful! I dream of traveling to Italy. I am a dreamer and I have lots of wishes and dreams! Please enter my name and visit me soon, too! ♥

  64. Hi, I am #541 on the carpet ride. Beautiful gifts and I want to win! I have a dream to some day walk where Jesus walked.

  65. what a great pretty. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing. so delighted to meet you through this event. I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.

  66. Lovely earrings! I dream of getting a book published. #276

  67. Fanciful dream or dream for life? I've always wanted to be a National Geographic photographer.

  68. Oh these earrings are delicate and feminine. Love that you described how you made the gorgeous bag too! Thanks for the opportunity to win your fabulous giveaway.

  69. Lovely work. I am so happy to meet you

  70. Oh, how lovely! And one more blog that I've discovered riding around on this ole Magic Carpet!

    So, to a dream ... I would love to have more energy. There, that's about as good as it gets today. :)


  71. SO elegant! Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thank you for sharing how you dyed your silk bag. Very neat :o)

    One dream of mine is to someday see/watch horses in the wild.

  72. Beautiful giveaway! One dream I have is to be more creative.

  73. oh gorgeous! They are so delicate - a lovely giveaway. I will have to try tie-dying again too i haven't done it in so long! Please count me in :) #822

  74. Please, count on me too!

    Greetings from Barcelona.
    My blog:
    My email: scrapblogpelusa(at)yahoo(dot)com

  75. HI Magaret!
    It is a true pleasure to meet you.
    Thanks for offering such sweet candy! The ear rings and silk bag are Beautiful!!
    Crossing my fingers and holding my breath!
    You have an AWESOME blog!
    I am now a follower. I would love it if you followed me too!
    I am #458 on The "Carpet Ride".
    Hope you will come check out my blog candy too!
    You could win a high-end, handmade, artists greeting card plus surprise crafting goodies. I also have a $50.00 shopping spree to Embellish-Online blog candy going right now!
    True :)

  76. Love it - giveaway & a tute :)

    A dream of mine? It's both little and have the time & energy to workout regulary & get fit...

    my contact info is on my profile...heck, we run across each other tons on the Etsyblogger forum - I'm sure I'd be easy to find :)

  77. Lovely earrings and pouch. Thank you for that wonderful tutorial - I must try microwave dying!
    I have many dreams, big and small. My main one is the road to all of the others, and that is to return to good health so that I can pursue my passions.
    Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog #258 on your journey.
    Hugs from northern ON, Canada

  78. Your earrings are beautiful! Thanks so much for the chance! (I'm #811)

    A dream of mine that has been recurring since childhood centers around bears, a lot of bears. I have always wondered what it meant.

  79. My dream - a bit corny but it is to be happy for as long as I can!

    Love your earrings and your technique for the dyeing was interesting too!

    Hope you'll be able to stop by my giveaways too #251

  80. Your earring are so pretty! And thank you so much for the mini tutorial on silk dying!!! I'm off now to explore your blog some more!

  81. I love your tutorial. Thank you so much. Almost makes me want to give in and get a microwave. I've managed for years without one and have refused to let people buy me one, ut i am addicted to textiles and dyeing, so.....

  82. so the silkdyeing...

  83. Please count me in...:) You are more than welcome to stop by and take part in our giveaway too...#81 Thank you! samjerus(at)

  84. I would so love to win your gorgeous earrings!! Please enter my name in your giveaway and make sure you come over to enter mine as well, I'm #116. As for a dream of travel to Ireland one day:-) xox

  85. misaacmom at gmail dot com
    #752 OWOH ticket holder

    loved the dying silk lesson! I never would have guessed vinegar is used....

  86. I adore pearls and your earrings are simply beautiful!
    I dream of not dreaming alone anymore... :)

  87. I love that you asked for comments with a little more substance ! Brilliant ! Oh, and your silk bags and those pear earring are so very lovely !
    My dream is to one day make a living doing what I love and maintain my creative life.

    Thanks for the chance to win and I hope you have a wonderul OWOH ride !
    Cheers !

  88. My dream is to create "The craftroom/art studio of my dreams".
    In fact it´s my new year promise this year :)

    The earrings are lovely!

    Susan, nr 821

  89. lovely earrings and a beautiful bag, nice to read how you made it.

    please count me in my magic carpet number is # 397

  90. Hi from the Netherlands.
    Love your blog and giveaway!
    Thank you for your silk dyeing tutorial!
    Come fly with me to my OWOH blog (#7) at Loose Ends and take a chance on winning my giveaway too!

  91. Beautiful giveaway, please include me!

  92. how beautiful! And my dream?? It's to have a family of my own; and if that doesn't happen then perhaps to go and live somewhere like Australia!!

  93. beautiful work, count me in please

  94. How beautiful, and I love the bag too.

    My giveaway is for one of my fine art photographs - stop by and see what strikes your fancy.

  95. Lovely both earrings and little magical pouch. Joy and love always

    Barb Cabot

  96. Beautiful earrings and lovely silk pouch- thanks for sharing the tutorial on how you made the gorgeous colors. My dream...I have three wonderful boys who are now young men...and I dream that they will marry happily and I might have a granddaughter someday to spoil.

  97. What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

  98. Lovin' the giveaway...and the chance to think about my dreams :)

    I would love nothing more than to build our dream home! We love our property/location...but not the home so much. We need more space!!!

    memoriesforlifescrapbooks at hotmail dot com

  99. your earrings are beautiful. thx for sharing your technique for dying the bag : ) wonderful giveaway

    lelia evelyn at g mail dot com
    OWOH #888

  100. Hi Margaret, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the gorgeous earrings and your style of dying them. I wish I was as talented as you and I wish to travel to Spain, Chili, France and Italy where I have relatives. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


  101. I dream of sunny warm days and sitting in the sunshine at the beach. I am feeling a bit of the winter blues just now as we have been having gray skies and rain for days and days now and had the most rain ever on record for January. I live near Seattle WA USA.

  102. Greetings from Salem ! Such fun traveling by magic carpet to visit new and old friends. lovely giveaway please enter me too! Susan I invite you to visit my blog giveaway I have fresh baked brownies andcinnamon tea prepared for my visitors!

    My dream is to start a art business with my brother.

  103. A dream? To be a published author!
    I'd love to win your give away!
    Thanks for an enchanting stop on the magic carpet!
    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
    #111 on the blog tour

  104. Beautiful!
    My dream is someday to write a book.
    Please enter me in your give away, thanks!<3

  105. *´*•.¸ ★*´* SUPERB! *´*•★ ¸.•*´*•

    Please count me in!


    ★Rich Witch★

    Please visit me for a Most Magical Prize at:

    *´*•.¸ ★ ¸.•*´*★•*´*•.¸★¸.•*´*•

  106. Beautiful earrings and silk bag! Thank you for the tip.
    Come visit my blog too if you have the time. =)

  107. It's so good to read your blog. The earrings look so beautiful and the silk are so pretty. I would love a chance to win. Please enter me.

    Thanks so much


  108. I have a dream to help people open up to the art that is inside of them.
    When you get a chance, fly by on your magic carpet, I am #907.
    Thank you for participating in OWOH.
    So very very nice to meet you.

  109. I love the way you present the bag too, with the ribbon ties. Lovely prize. Maybe I'll get lucky! Please visit my blog too, #753, to see tatted lace and maybe win some.

  110. Beautiful earrings, and I love hearing how you dyed the silk bag.. My dream is to hopefully one day own our dream house!

  111. Your earrings are so pretty and delicate! Love them1 thanks for the chance to win

  112. Please enter me in your great giveaway! I dream of owning my own tea room someday!

  113. One of my dreams is to buy the house next door so we can expand our veg & fruit garden as well as the chicken run. Maybe enough room for a pair of dairy goats. And be able to grow, make & preserve more of our food. The next-door yard would be just enough extra room to add some fruit trees. *sigh*

  114. Hi Margaret,

    I would love to be entered in the draw for your lovely pearl earrings. Thanks for the opportunity. I've enjoyed my visit and will be back. Please come on by my place, #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, have a look around and enter into my draw. Great to meet you, enjoy the ride.


  115. Please send these my way - I love them very much! Thank you for this very special chance to win!


  116. Beautiful earrings and thanks for the tutorial on how you did the bag,great idea! My dream? boy I have a lot of wierd ones. The one I remember the most and pretty recent.. my dad came to me(hes been gone 10 years now) and said my mom would be joining him shortly.I hope not but really scared me, no I didnt tell her! Come enter mine if you can #86

  117. Hi! Come to comment again cause i love y our giveaway so much :) hehe thanks for visiting my blog!

  118. The earrings are lovely and elegant. I love how you dye your own silk bags, beautiful.

    Happy travels.

    Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

    Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

  119. Lovely blog, I am your newest follower! a dream of mine is to be wholly happy just myself and not need validation of others!

    Gorgeous earrings!! thanks for the-how-to on the dying...what kind of dye do you use?

    Be well and Be warm :)

    I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!

    Best of luck to all your visitors :)

    Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA

  120. Such a wonderful gift.....please count me in! and do pop in my blog to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
    I am #950.

    Have a nice day!

  121. lovely offering!
    drop by my blog #774!

  122. Great giveaway item! Please enter me:) Thanks. I can be reached at or my blog:
    And my dream is to be able to make a living sell my artwork:)

  123. Of course I'd love to win one of your lovely creations :-) THose earrings are gorgeous! So please include me in your drawing!

    I am dreaming of a little house near the ocean....

    Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

    Greetings from Germany,
    Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

  124. Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

    I dream of creating a more sustainable existence for my family.

  125. Hello from southern California, one world, one heart. The earrings are the cake, the dye process how to the icing. Thank you.


  126. The earrings (and bag!) are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win! Stop by & enter my giveaway too!

  127. G’day Margaret
    Thanks for such a great giveaway,
    & to think I have an earring fettish...ha ha
    Please count me in…
    And fly on over to my place… #747
    OOroo… Bethel

  128. oooh those earrings are divine!! Totally gorgeous!! I appreciate the tutorial too!! What fun to try!! :) Thanks for sharing with us!! Shelly OWOH #435

  129. They are sooo Pretty!

    My dream is that hubby can find a Great Job this year!

  130. Great Idea! Beautiful! Please stop by my blog(#921)!

  131. So pretty! My dream to to travel to many wonderful places both here in the USA and to foreign countries to take a bunch of photos someday when I have a much better camera and lots of camera accessories.

  132. My dream? For things to get better for everyone, and to be able to retire, but then I wake.....

    Love the tie-dye, so soft looking! Please add my name to the list for a chance.

  133. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your dyeing process. :)

    I would love a chance to win!

  134. These earrings and bag are beautiful and I love that you shared your creative process -so facinating! My be able to walk again without pain. Currently I use crutches for short jaunts (5-10 minutes) and a wheelchair for longer ones. It is a dream that I know will come true! :) Hugs, Tamara

  135. I dream of one day having a mid arm or long arm quilting machine, I make charity quilts and it would help so much, but alas it is a dream that will never be.

    please enter me in your lovely drawing, then stop by for a visit #649

  136. Pretty pretty pretty! Thank you for the mini tutorial too! Please enter me, and then hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway if you haven't already! ^-^

  137. Hello, please count me in!

    my dream is to get a driver's license one day. I am pretty old but I never needed a car so far. But, I know that I should be able to drive a car!!

  138. I'm dreaming about to have a little gift store *_*.

    Beautiful giveaway

  139. Your pearl earrings are heavenly! Please enter me in the draw, and be sure to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway. (#922)

    Heavenly Humor

  140. This is a really neat giveaway. THanks for your detailed explanations!
    please enter me!

  141. Very sweet earring and the silk bag is beautiful, I love to dye things too. I would love you to visit my blog 599, thank you.

  142. A dream of mine? To have a biiiiig vegetable garden when we finally move to our little cottage in France in a year's time.

    The earrings are so timelessly elegant and classic, you could wear them with absolutely anything. I would love to win them.

  143. So beautiful! I dream of writing and publishing a book someday.
    What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

  144. So pretty! And thank your for the lesson in how to make the dyed silk.

    My dream is to live in a castle someday!

  145. Thank you for inviting me to stop by your blog and enter your giveaway.

    I would love for you to visit me at (#903) and enter my giveaway (if you have already visited, THANK YOU!)

  146. One of my dreams is to visit the Fjords of Norway with my husband. He lived there for a couple of years as a young adult, and I've always wanted to go--I'd love to go with him


  147. beautiful! count me in an be sure to stop by my blog~ #820

  148. love the beautiful work of your hands and heart!

  149. Beautiful earrings & pouch! Thanks for the chance! Grab your carpet and stop by my blog! #792

  150. I love pearls - my favourite!. My dream ..... to win those earrings!
    I would love a chance to win please. Thank you for your generosity.

  151. Hello Margaret from Victoria, Australia
    Thanks for the tutorial on dying silk as well as the offer of those lovely little earrings.
    Please enter me into the draw.
    Thanks. Lynda.
    One of my dreams is to be able to sell my own jewelery and art.

  152. Beautiful blog and a stunning treasure!Thank you so much for giving me the gift of dying silk! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

  153. Please enter me in your giveaway! I would LOVE to win, I'm keeping my fingers crossed ;) Thanks!! Amanda
    ps - visit me at # 1031

  154. So pretty! I love pearls. :)
    Thank you for your generousity and it's nice to meet you on the magic carpet ride!! :))

    I'm #214 - stop by, if you like,
    Greetings from Norway

  155. Splendid earrings! I would love a chance to win.
    Sophie in Montreal

    PS I dream of making a difference. Interpret that as you wish!

  156. Greetings & Salutations,
    Enchanting Pearl Earrings OWOH Giveaway!
    Lovely Work & Blog. THX for the Tie Dye 101 ~ Very Generous.

    My Dream ~ For OWOH to continue in all our Hearts forever by being kind to someone each & everyday.

    For a little Glitter & Magic fly by my blog
    #242 On The List @:

    Cosmic Blessings´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Lyndy Ward

  157. Hi dear!!! I like your idea! It’s very Awesome! I wish to ALL who will participate in this wondefull give-away, Big Good Luck! Yohooooo! ;)

  158. Beautiful. Please add me. #813x

  159. Lovely earrings.

  160. Please enter me in the drawing, I love the earrings, I'd love to travel around all the whole word, I'm sure one day I will!

  161. Hello Margaret, beautiful earrings and I love the bag, how cool to show us how you did it!
    with love from Tennessee #1035

  162. Love your dyed silk and especially the earrings! Thank you for sharing the process.

    A dream of mine is to travel to foreign countries and possibly live overseas for awhile.

  163. Great giveaway. The silk bag is as beautiful as the earrings!!

  164. Your earrings are beautiful! Don't you just love dying silk? I find it so fascinating! Please be sure to visit me at #833! I hope you are enjoying the carpet ride too. Rebecca

  165. So lovely!
    Please enter me in your giveaway and come on over to mine-#35 and enter if you wish. Thanks!

  166. Hello Margaret! Very elegant I must say!

    Lovely to meet you, I'm Christina from Manila. Hope you can hop on over to #615 at


  167. What an awesome giveaway! Would love to win.

  168. Love the earrings. Thank you for showing how you dye the bags. You make it look easy.

    My dream is to have half the talent of those I have seen along this ride.

  169. Gorgeous!

    Dream? To be good enough to sell my photos!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  170. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you for the chance to enter!
    I dream of traveling overseas....

  171. Lovely earrings and neat dye description, thank you. Please stop by # 840 to see the felt flower brooch and yarn I am giving.

  172. How Generous of you ! I'd love to be entered ♥

    Missy ~ Winnipeg , Canada
    seksi_missy at hotmail dot com

  173. Please enter me into your drawing! And feel free to fly on over for a chance to win too. #882

  174. Thank you for sharing the process with us. It makes me want to go try it. And thank you for the chance to win your bag and earrings.

  175. Hi there,

    The earrings are lovely -- and the little silk bag, too. Thanks for the chance to win such a treasure.

    If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)

    Greetings from Munich,
    # 849

  176. Greetings from Virginia.
    Oh wow... I just LOVE your earrings! They are absolutely gorgeous. And what a beautiful bag you made to put them in. Thank you so much for sharing the directions.
    Such a great blog you have too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

    Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

  177. What a fab giveaway! Excited- thanks for the chance to win! I dream of writing professionally instead of working the 9-5!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    OWOH necklace giveaway

  178. I dream of having a job which allows me to travel

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  179. Lovely earrings...Please pick me up!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  180. How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)


  181. Hi from England! I'd love to be included in your giveaway, thank you.

    Dream - to be successful :)

    If you haven't already, please visit my blog at #711 on the magic carpet to win a designer Cath Kidston bag, handmade by me!

  182. Those earrings are beautiful!

    I dream to do something to make the world a more beautiful place.

  183. What a lovely giveaway and what a pleasure it's been to visit your blog. Be sure to stop by and enter my drawing.

  184. I love your giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks!

  185. lovely ear rings. Thank you. My dream? to give up my night job.
    Please come over to #1038 and enter my draw

  186. blog celebration & great giveaway, count me in!

  187. Wonderful giveaway! Thank you. Yes, please enter my in your drawing.

    You can enter my drawing here:

    And for a dream? A small dream is I have is to travel back to Europe one day and explore the small towns...okay, I guess that could be seen as a big dream. ;-)

    Thank again! Happy Valentine's Day!

  188. oh my last day, I am so excited to see if I win any of the wonderful prizes. Good luck on the drawings. visit

  189. These earrings are so beautiful, and the bag is lovely too! I'd love to be entered. ::Jill

  190. Hi from Sydney, Australia!! dream...that's a tough one. One thing I'd love to do eventually is record a CD! :)

    What a great giveaway!! Pearls are gorgeous, aren't they? :)

    Can you please enter me in the drawing for your prize? Thanks...And thank you very much for your generosity!

    --Liv from Australia--

    OWOH Blog # 707
    gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

  191. I also would love to work in Italy. Yet another dream

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com


    Thank you for your comments! I loved reading about your dreams!
    Please visit my blog, leave a comment, and I'll visit yours.


Your comments make my day! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!