
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a simple tip

Keep your current favorite toy safe by sleeping with it.


Ugh!  There goes that flashy thing again! 

Oliver's current favorite "toy" is a piece of cotton jersey fabric dyed orange.  I made this for a sample of the color, and it was on a counter in the kitchen--up high--safe from all cats, right?  Being the kind loving person I am, I decided to let him have it.  He loves it so! 
Tip post inspired by Isabella the beautiful at Beaded Tail.  HERE is one of her must valuable tips. 

This is for Cats on Tuesdays where you can see even more wonderful kitties. 


  1. Oliver is quite handsome, I love his little 'smudgies' on his nose and chin.
    Sunny :)

  2. It is so funny how the simplest things can make for the best toys!

  3. Oliver, that is a furry good tip to keep your favorite toys close! Your orange toy looks pawsome with your furs! You are such a handsome Mancat! I appreciate you mentioning me in your post too - thank you!


  4. What an adorable face! Oliver is
    definitely smiling with his fav toy!

  5. Love Oliver's disapproving look on his face :)

  6. When one is such a pretty cat you must get used to the flashy thing Oliver! :)

  7. Hahaha ! what a nice (and cheap) toy ! Rosie "stole" a shoelace and is running around with it ! Of course Mr. G accused me of stealing his shoelaces !

  8. He is adorable, and I think it's a great idea about the piece of cotton jersey, looks funny!
    purrs and love

  9. Oh how adorable Oliver is! I just love kitties...

  10. Hello :)
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I love your posts and pictures! So lovely and I love your hand craft too!!
    I would added you as my blog list and I will be following your future posts too! Thanks!!!!

  11. Oliver, you really are a handsome dude and we love your orange toy. Looks like fun. We like the Beaded Tail blog too. And thanks so much for visiting our blog.

  12. I love his bored expression...oh,I mean his air on tolerance to us petty humans in the presence of the mighty cat! He have fun at my house....I have lots of scraps like that all over the floor of my sewing room when I'm busy cutting for a quilt :-)

  13. Hi Oliver and thanks for stopping by to visit us. You are a very handsome Man-Cat. We are similar in looks you have a spot on your nose and your are black and white to my grey and white....lots in common.
    We'll be visiting again.
    Madi and Mom

  14. You are one very handsome fellow Oliver, we can see you really like your toy. Miss Cindi is sending you a hello meow.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi Lou

  15. Oliver is so cute!!! he looks so protective with his toy ;)

  16. Thank you for visiting me on Tuesday. I just discovered your comment today.
    I love the pctures of Oliver and his favorite toy.

    I do love white cats, really all cats. I am sorry that your's is deaf. I hope you post a picture of him, her? soon.


  17. Awww Oliver is just gorgeous, I have two cats too and boy do they get possessive about THEIR "stuff"!!

    thanks for stopping by!


    Love your photos

  18. I've passed this tip on to Katy and Kirby and they plan to get right on it!!


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