
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

simply cute (Oliver)

Aren't I just the cutest?!!
Here I am lying in your basket of files keeping them safe.
I'm SO cute, aren't I?
OK.  OK.  Yes, you are cute!  and endearing and all that, even if my files are now a bit squished.
Cats on Tuesdays is hosted by Gattina on her blog My cats and funny stories.  Post about your cat(s) and link up!


photos by me © 2010


  1. I can only agree ! you are very cute !

  2. Thank you for your kind words for Lisa ! we finally could burry her today in our garden. It wasn't possible before because the ground was frozen so she stated in her "coffin" in the garden shed. Now it's finally over.

  3. Oliver, you are the cutest of the cute!

  4. Oliver, I thought you were cute upsidedown! But rightsideup? You are the CUTEST! Your face just makes me smile.

  5. Oh very cute indeed Oliver! And such a good kitty keeping the files nice and safe! ;)

  6. You are certainly very cute Oliver! You have the most adorable markings too!

  7. Very cute. Just what a log basket cat should be like!

  8. Oliver is absolutely cute!
    I loved this set of pictures, so adorable!What a sweet eyes!
    have a great day dear friends,
    purrs and love

  9. I have to agree you are a cutey alright. I popped over to say thanks for visiting me.. Hugs GJ x

  10. Oh GOSH, I just want to snuggle him. One of our little guys has that sort of 'half mustache' look. Too cute.

  11. Oliver is really cute....
    He looks so sweet and adorable

    Hugs from Kareltje =^.^=

  12. Thanks for visiting our blog. We are so very happy to meet you and are looking forward to becoming friends.

    Yes, you are so very cute.....and we wonder if you are related to our Andy.

    May your joys
    Be deep and many,
    May your heart
    be light and glad,
    May you have the best
    St. Patrick's Day,
    That you have ever had.

  13. Black and white cats are so neat. Thanks for visiting my kitties; you missed pictures of my black and white Thumper's thumbs in an older post.

  14. Man! someone loves posing for the camera! What a cutie! I love the pictures :)

  15. Purrs to Oliver! Aren't cats so cuddly! They conquer our space, too!

    He's got such a demure and innocent look.

    My kitty jumps at everything new she sees!

  16. Yez Oliver ... you're adorable for sure ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,


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