
Sunday, March 14, 2010

snippets (number 5)

of happyment
petals soft purple
awaken the sleeping earth
glass raindrops shimmer

"snippets of happyment" is inspired by a post on Rasa's blog happyment. I just love that word because it is a combination of the words happy and content. Sometimes something small can just fill your soul with a thrill. So, from time to time, I will capture one snippet of happyment and post it here. 

Some past snippets of happyment:
fire with an explanation of, and link to Rasa's visual diary, Pieces of Happyment
crocus open blossom macro
daffodil macro and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" poem
snowdrops photo and haiku 

This post is linked to Today's Flowers.  Post a flower yourself and come link up with us!   Today's Flower's was created by Luiz Santilli, Jr.  His teammates are Denise of An English Girl Rambles,  Laerte Pupo, and Valkyrien.   
photo and poem by me © 2010


  1. So pretty. We saw some crocuses peeking out of the earth yesterday. :)

  2. They certainly are "snippets of happyment". They make me happy just to look at them, gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with Today's Flowers. Have a great week!

  3. I love the raindrops on your crocuses, and the way they are still rolled up tight! They will be in full bloom tomorrow!

  4. So pretty snippets of happyment! Our crocuses have bloomed and gone already and now it's the daffodils brightening our days!

  5. Wonderful image and haiku. I enjoy your snippets of happyment posts. :)

  6. Wow! that's a pretty haiku for your crocuses! Love its deep purple color!

  7. Wow!!! So beautiful!!

  8. I just love how spring transforms the colors of winter into "snipets of happyment"

  9. Love the vibrant purple! I'm so ready for Spring!!!

  10. Beautiful. I love to see the crocus this time of year, they announce the arrival of Spring.

  11. I agree s0me small things s0metimes makes us happy and make change 0n us,i have a p0st ab0ut h0w I enj0yed small things that I learned recently and that was ph0tography.thanks for the visit.
    Have a nice day

  12. Beautiful! Just yesterday I noticed little buds poking out of the ground, I can't wait to see some color!!

  13. I love how vibrant the purple is in the first photo! I planted purple flowers this weekend and my husband is the kind of person that thinks you match the color blooms to the house!! (Silly man). So he was not too sure about the different plants I chose but they sure are pretty.

  14. Violet crocus buds, they are so lovely.
    And this snippet with the sleeping earth is so well chosen.

  15. Happyment? I LOVE it! And crocuses...ahhh...Spring!

  16. Pretty purple buds and lovely haiku.
    Hugs and blessings,


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