
Friday, October 8, 2010


Listen!  the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!
~ Humbert Wolfe
 There is a harmony
In autumn, and a lustre in its sky...
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley  
Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
~ George Eliot
For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. ~Edwin Way Teale
Ho! for the leaves that eddy down, 
Crumpled yellow and withered brown, 
Hither and yonder and up the street 
 And trampled under the passing feet; 
Swirling, billowing, drifting by, 
With a whisper soft and a rustling sigh....
~ Grace Strickler Dawson
Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
~ Emily Bronte

photo #1 my backyard
photo #2 crabapple loaded with berries
photo #3 birch
photo #4 spiderweb in the hawthorne
photo #5 my backyard
This post is for SkyWatch Friday hosted by Wren, fishing guy, Sylvia, Klaus, and Sandy.  Come join us in this awesome meme, link up, and meet folks from all over the globe
This post is also for the etsy bloggers' team carnival.   Linda of Spotted Cow Soaps is the host and will post all the submissions on her blog on Monday, October 11 HERE.  For this carnival, Linda asks us to "Show us some awesome photos of autumn in and around where you live."
photos by me © 2010 (taken today in my yard)


  1. Thank you for getting me a little more excited for autumn! Beautiful photos!

  2. I love these photos and adore these quotes. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Write Girl said it so well. Beautiful.

  4. I don't like autumn and all these falling leaves ! Makes me rather sad, but your sky is beautiful !

  5. Lovely quotes paired with perfect autumn pictures. Thank you! I actually felt autumn in the air here this morning...something major when you live in the deserts of Arizona!

  6. perfectly beautiful...a wonderful way to start my day...peeking at your post with my morning mug of tea!

  7. Thanks for spreading the beauty of fall. Love the quotes :)

  8. I just love that last photo! Fall in true beauty!!!

  9. yes, the last one is my favorite too! What a bunch of great colors! {:-D

  10. Margaret, you probably have already answered this on one of your posts but what kind of camera do you use? I need to practice with mine; I felt like I took better photos with my old Minolta (35mm) than I do with my newer digital point and shoot. But then I don't exactly play around with it like I did my old either!

    Gorgeous photos!!

  11. Beautiful sights of autumn. I liked the quotes and the photographs very much.

  12. The fall colors look beautiful against the blue sky. I love the quotes too!

  13. Beautiful photos. Fall is definitely a photogenic season.

  14. Lovely pictures, and right in your own yard. The Autumn trees are beautiful.

  15. I love the way you wove together the words and images. I feel inspired and excited about autumn now!

  16. Beautiful! Love the George Eliot quote :-)

  17. Beautiful photos and I loved the quotes, too.

  18. A wonderful post, all the fall photos are just gorgeous, and I loved the accompanying words. Thanks for the feel good post, and hope your week is a great one.

  19. Beautiful words and photos. I also love fall, although it's going to turn into winter any day now!

  20. Outstanding, my friend. Just amazing. Thank you.

  21. Azure is the perfect name for such a perfect blue sky.......Isnt fall the best?
    Thanks so much for the visit to my blog and come back anytime! melinda

  22. Gorgeous photos of autumn! I love all the quotes too; it made my soul sings..

  23. Awesome pictures. Missed that blog carnival but inspired to take my camera out with me on my morning walk tomorrow.

    Enjoy the crisp air and beautiful colors!

  24. Thanks for the visit.... Your photo are wonderful! You have a good eye for color and composition.

  25. It looks like autumn is in full swing in your area, everything is beautiful. Our leaves are just beginning to turn but the days are getting cooler.

  26. Delightful post celebrating everything that is beautiful about autumn

  27. Beautiful photos and quotes! I´ve enjoyed them so much!


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