
Thursday, October 7, 2010

C is for...

Cats, of course!
Meet your Cicerones, Earnest and Oliver, as they guide you through their favorite Cs!
We'll start with Cute because that is our most endearing quality.
Comfortable is what we like to be.
 Cozy, too!
 Companionship is one of our most favorite activities (especially when sleeping).
Let me be your Cynosure!
Chant, that's what we do when it's Cibation time.  Me-ooow!  In this case it's Catnip!
It is not Customary to have furry furiends visit, but we did have fun with our Capricious friends Tigra and Bunkie.  Tigra is so Curious and Captivated by me, but I am not so Courageous, and quickly run away.
And here is Bunkie.  He's Crazy for his Casbah Kitten jelly bean.
That's a lot of Cs, and there are even more, but we are about to Collapse with exhaustion.  We hope Mrs. Matlock does not Cavil and gives this post her best Cachet. 
PS:  We did have some help with those really big C words.

This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.    Come and join HERE.  Here is Jenny Matlock's submission, C is for Cat.  (imagine that!)
This week, our letter is "C."  If you click on the link above, you will discover so many creative takes on this letter.  Now go visit! 

Editor's note:  Tigra and Bunkie are my daughter's kitties and came to play last November when they were 3 months old.  They had so much fun!  They discovered the stairs and had a blast running up and then down them.

photos by me © 2009 & 2010


  1. All of the Cats are so Cute! Miss Cindi Lou is Clapping her paws for all of the C words you found!

  2. Cute cute cute what else can I say . Loved it

  3. Cats make me sneezy... but yours would be too hard to resist!!
    Too cute : )

  4. I love all the 'C' words! (Comfortable and cozy are my favorites) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Cuteness overload! Oliver and Ernest are adorable and we love them being cozy, comfortable and companions! Bunkie is pretty darn cute too with the jelly bean. We love C'ing your C's!

  6. A perfect C story! Beautiful cats, too.

  7. Beautiful cats! Are they all yours?

  8. Ahhh I don't think cats can resist a camera.

  9. They couldn´t be more beautiful! soooo cute kitties! I love cats and yours are adorable :)

  10. What a clever little cat-alicious C post you shared with us on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

    I loved all the obscure words and the cute captioning combined with the catastrophically adorable cat pictures.

    OK, I'm officially out of C words here...

    But I am, fortunately, not out of grades.

    And you certainly deserve an


    For this clever post!

    Thank you for linking.

  11. Your kittys are so cute!

  12. I am a cat lover too....I have two, Joe Bobbins and Thomas. I know if I could come back after I die and be an animal, it would be a cat. I love their independence and all those catnaps!

  13. Cats are clever creatures and quite cynical at times. They are clawfully cute and canny. Anne

  14. Awwww...precious kitten babies! I love it. :)

  15. oh my gosh what sweeeeeetiesssss!!! I just want to cuddle up next to them and snuggle. They'd probably walk away. But I'd be content with trying to snuggle with a kitty. :)

  16. anything with CATS is waaay cool in my book! Great pics, words and post! love your felines, but I fell hard for Bunkie!


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