
Thursday, September 30, 2010

B is for...

Bicycle, of course!
Come join me on a Bike ride....
along the Loveland Bike Trail near Cincinnati, Ohio.  (Yep, that's my Bike!  I love it!  It takes me on so many adventures.)
The trail often follows the Beautiful Little Miami (National Scenic) River.  This photo was taken from the old railroad Bridge that crosses over the river.
A little farther along, the path Blithely goes under the I-275 Bridge.
Lovely Autumn Blossoms sway gently in the Breeze--purple, yellow, white, and lavender.  These are asters and goldenrod.  I see a Bee Buzzing in the Bounteous nectar, but she is too quick to be captured.
Bicyclists, runners, walkers, rollerbladers, dog walkers, and horseback riders wander along the path.  Notice the carpet of Brown leaves.  Due to very little rain for months, the leaves, instead of Blazing with color, are turning Brown and crumbling off the trees.  They do make a lovely crunching sound as the wheels run over them.
See the little Bridge on the left?  There are houses up the Bank Beyond the Bridge. How wonderful to live so close to the path and the river!
Next up:  the downtown area of Loveland.  Here is the view from the Brown Bike racks--more Bikes and a Bakery on the right.  See the swing made of Boards?

a bakery with Blue trim and a Bench.
I've already passed two parks (Miami Scenic Park and Miami Riverview Park) Here is a small glimpse of C. Roger Nisbet Park, looking from the green Bike racks, of course!  The Building houses an information center for the Little Miami Scenic River.
A sculpture of a Bicyclist is at the far end of the park.

A Brown Barrel holds decorations that Boast of Fall's nearness.

A father is teaching his young son how to skip rocks along the water.  This is my turn-around point.  I have ridden almost 10 miles.  (click to enlarge)
Back to Loveland.  The Brick Building houses a restaurant where I have dined with friends several times in the middle of a ride.
crossing the Brown railroad tracks...The sun will be setting soon.   See the pink tinge in the sky?
Smooth Brown Boards of the picnic table glow in the late afternoon light as Brown limbs arch overhead shaking their green leaves.   (canoe rentals nearby) 
<-- Avoid the Bumps!                             Bowed head -->
Hear the BaBBling of Beech Creek?  I am almost back to my starting point.  This was a fun ride on a glorious day.  I (almost) never take my camera with me when riding, so it was a treat to capture some of the sights I often see along this trail.
This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.   This week we are Blatantly exploring the letter "B."   Come and join HERE.  Here is Jenny Matlock's submission, Beautiful Blue Window.

Now go visit and enjoy all the creative submissions!

Rail Trails are old railroad beds converted into trails for public use.  The first trails in this area were built in 1972.

Miami Valley Rail Trails   --289 miles so far and includes the Loveland Bike Trail
all photos by me (taken today) © 2010


  1. Love your B post...bicycles and blossoms, bees and nice to meet you through Jenny....C you next week..bkm

  2. Beautiful and Breathtaking Bike ride! Thanks for taking us along!

  3. What an awesome post ... thanks for taking me along for the ride! I'm envious of the sighs you get to see ... we don't have the beautiful Fall trees down here in SC ... so, again, thanks for sharing! And, thanks for your sweet note about my mantel "B"eads! *Becca*

  4. Oh this was lovely to read and see! I too love my bike. I get almost teary thinking of how beautiful and peaceful your ride must have been! Thank you for leaving a comment about my ride. Glad to find you. Happy Alphabethursday!

  5. I'd love to bicycle in a place called Loveland!
    Did you stop at the Bakery with the Blue trim? I would have!

  6. What a lovely ride you had! Thanks for taking me along : ) I can feel the crisp air & hear the crunching leaves & see the beautiful sights

  7. What fun! You have a beautiful place to go biking :)
    LOVE the photo's!

  8. Lots of lovely B-words on your bike ride!
    Great post. Nice pics.
    Sara Cat
    Sara Cat's B-post JM
    Anna's B-post JM

  9. What a fun post :)
    You would love Ragbrai (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) that happens every year in Iowa and comes through my town once in a while :)

  10. How fun! Are you doing a 26 chapter children's book? :)

  11. I really enjoyed the ride.

  12. oh I would just love to take a bike ride with you...that was just lovely

  13. Well, I enjoyed the scenery but I am exhausted with the thought of riding a bike all over town...ha.

  14. what a great path! I've heard about that rails to trails - great idea!

  15. Wow, I was born in Cincinnati, it's been about 20 yrs since I was last there. Nice bike ride. I remember being in a park along the Little Miami River with my Aunt and 3 cousins when we were little kids, but I'm not sure if it was one of the ones you featured. Thanks for sharing your ride.

  16. This is such a great post! I love my bike too, it's always taking me on fun adventures.

  17. Beautiful! It would be nice to live in a place where you can ride your bike and not get hit by traffic!

  18. it looks like a great bike ride to me! I love the town clock picture with the pumpkins.......

  19. What a beautiful stop on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday!

    You make me long for Ohio!

    You make me dream of actual fall weather (we're still pushing 110 degrees here!)

    Thanks for this wonderful post.

    I really, really enjoyed my stop here today.


  20. Love the pictorial... I am your newest follower from the etsybloggers. Please come take a look at my blog and follow too. I also hearted your 2 etsy stores.

  21. You live in a beautiful area for biking, thanks for taking us along on the tour.


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