
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

just chillin'

Earnest turns momentarily from the window where he has been watching birds fly, leaves twirling in the breeze, and bugs flitting crazily against the pane.
Oliver lounges on his "perch" where he can watch for any interesting activity that may occur.
What are YOU doing to relax today?

This post is for the meme Cats on Tuesday published by Gattina.  Go to Gattina's BLOG to see more cats or to link up yourself.

Today I rode my bike in the lovely Fall morning with a small group, then enjoyed their company for lunch.  After I get this post up, I'll work in my garden.  Perhaps tonight I'll watch a movie with my sweetie and hang out with my kitties.
photos by me © 2010


  1. They are both adorable. I wonder what life would be like if we were as observant as cats.

  2. Oliver and Ernest! We've been missing you! So good to see you both looking as handsome as ever!

    Your day sounds wonderful Margaret! Hope your evening is just as enjoyable!

  3. Love the way Earnest posed for you and how Oliver relaxes.
    Your day is full and that's the way to live, my friend.

  4. Answer: I took a nap. :)

    Your cats are gorgeous! Thanks for your suggestions about Asheville- I'd already put the fig restaurant and the chocolate lounge on our itinerary (among many other places!). :)

  5. Love their looks - so superior to us humans.

  6. cute kitties! I was thinking, I don't relax. Maybe going for a walk would be my relaxation.

    Did you put a new background on your blog... it looks different? Maybe it's just too early in the morning.... {:-D

  7. Isn't that funny ? we both have the same kind of cats ! A tuxi and a white one, lol ! Only my tuxi is a little girl !

  8. Oliver has the right idea. Lay on a comfy sofa AND look outside watching meals, i mean, birds!

  9. Fantastic portraits, my friends there are really adorable!
    purrs and love
    Luna = WE LOVE LUNA

  10. they are both so beautiful and they pose so well
    like super models :)

  11. You have such pretty cats! I don't have a lot of time to relax this week - maybe on Sunday :) Let's hope so anyway.


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