
Thursday, October 21, 2010


The story of Earnest  (at least the part known by the current humans in his life)...
In the middle of a hot, August afternoon, a small, all-white kitten was found wandering outside on his own.  He was lost and hungry.  His tail appeared to be broken in 2 places.  Was he hurting, too?  A very kind human scooped him up and took him to another very kind person's house.  This kind person, Francie, takes in abused and abandoned cats (as well as hurt deer and birds).  The little white kitty was put into a cage with a black and white kitty about his age.  The black and white kitty had been born at the shelter.  The very kind lady played with the kitties every day.  She gave them food and toys.  They felt safe.   loved, too.  
One day, 3 people came to visit and to choose 2 kitties to live with them in their furever home.  The black and white kitty stuck his paw outside the cage as if to say, "See me!  See me!"  The 3 people were captivated, their hearts melting.  Quickly, a white kitty, and a black and white kitty were enveloped in the people's arms. Thus the little kitties were on their way to an enchanted new existence. 
Oh how wonderful this new home was!  So big!  So much to investigate!  The little white kitty could not hear, but he was nonetheless enticed by everything, never holding back in his explorations.  Thus he was given the name "Earnest." 
A sunny window is a great spot for a bath!
His most favorite activity (besides eating) is sleeping!
The stairs are his favorite spot, probably because he's deaf, and here he misses nothing.
For more about Earnest and his buddy Oliver, here's a  LINK and ANOTHER.

This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.  This week, our letter is "E."  Come and join HERE.  Here is Ms. Matlock's  submission.  Now go visit! 

photos by me © 2009 & 2010


  1. My aunt have a cat with the same eyes with your cat. So cute...!

  2. It just goes to show you "the importance of being Earnest." Sorry, I just could not resist!

  3. But, Judie, that is exactly it! Earnest's name has relationship to the play by Oscar Wilde! part of the inspiration for his name as given to him by my daughter!

  4. Was his tail really broken or is it genetic like Malaysian/Thai/Singapore/Indoneisan cats?

  5. Awww what a sweet kitty! And a great E post.

  6. Such a sweet story about Ernest! We're so happy the 3 people came and gave these two adorable boys such a loving furever home!

  7. It always makes me happy to hear that there are forever homes sometimes. I am so glad that Earnest and the other cat found one. I wish all cats could have homes and loving care as they deserve.

  8. So adorable. We always had cats growing up. They certainly have a mind of their own. Earnest is lovely.~ Ames

  9. awwww I feel better now that Ernest is in a good home . poor wittle white kitty . Are they yours btw?

  10. Earnest is a beautiful odd eye. Complete white cats are usually deaf.

  11. What a great story! It's so nice they found such a loving home :)

  12. Beautiful! The story and the cats. I miss having a cat. My husband is allergic to them, but I love them. Thanks for writing their story!!

  13. Sounds much like a fairy tale :) What a lucky kitty to find such a loving family :)

  14. What a great kitty story. I'm glad Earnest has found a good home.


  15. What a sweet story ~ what a beautiful kitty! I love the two different coloured eyes ~ exquisite!!

    xo Catherine

  16. Earnest is a very beautiful kitty. He is also one very lucky cat to have found such a wonderful furever home.

  17. ernest is an adorable kitty! Love the stair shot {:-D

  18. Ah, what a great kitty! Love his name.

  19. awww...what a great kitty :) And such a purrfect name :)

  20. I am overwhelmed with such emotion as Earnest looks like my "Casper" who was once the love of my heart and now palnted in the garden.Such a heartwarming story! =^.^=

  21. I didn't know that white cats are usually deaf...AND Judie's comment totally cracked me up.

    This is really a sweet link to Alphabe-Thursday.

    I love when a post warms my heart...and this one certainly did.

    Thank you.



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