
Friday, October 22, 2010

an unique fence: Fence Post Friday

I'm so excited!  My friend Anitra is hosting a brand new meme, Fence Post Friday!
Above is a cabin near Telluride, Colorado.  (To the left is a very unique fence.)  We were off-roading the Ophir Pass from Silverton in mid-September.
getting closer...
Now you can see that the fence is made of old skis!

Ani is hosting Fence Post Friday on her blog Coffee Pot People.
Read all about it and link up HERE.
Here are some of her past Fence Post posts:  very first one ever!   2  3  4
Come join in the fun!
photos by me © 2007


  1. that's a GREAT fence! Good intro! Your fence post buddy, {:-Deb

  2. What a cool fence! Telluride is a gorgeous place too!

  3. Wow, what a great fence! I LOVE it! Smiling All over my face here!

    We have a Silverton,, too, about an hour from here. It's where my ex and I used to go to church, and a sweet little town. Kind of made me do a double-take when I saw "Silverton" in your post, lol. For a minute I thought you might actually be from here, and I Know you aren't.

    Thanks for joining Friday Fence Posts! I'm So excited about it, and that Mr Linky works--brought me straight here!

  4. that place is AMAZING!!! I would love to live there.

  5. Oh wow, what an amazing fence. Someone was very creative and apparently had a lot of old skies. This sounds like an interesting meme, I will check it out.

  6. That place is really beautiful!
    You have great blog, enjoyed it :)

  7. thats a nice idea for a meme. and that fence is pretty cool!

  8. What great creativity and recylcling!
    Splendid Little Stars I read your comment on my latest post and I believe you and I are blessed to have our "dream come true"
    Thank you for introducing yourself to me..I'll be back! Hugs Anna

  9. Wow that is really creative! I am going to share that idea idea for fencing in calgary. Thanks for the post!


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