
Thursday, November 4, 2010

G is for....

glass, Chihuly glass!
In the Spring of 2009, I was privileged to visit the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.  What an amazingly gorgeous place!    During this time, there was a major Dale Chihuly glass installation, The Nature of Glass.
The above two photos are details of this ↓
The Sun by Dale Chihuly
This work consisted of 1200 pieces of glass mounted on a 550 pound armature.

Chihuly speaks about himself and his work ↑

Chihuly exhibit at the Desert Botanical Garden (November 22, 2008 ~ May 31, 2009) --includes more glass photos
Dale Chihuly website  
possible future exhibit in Seattle
interesting short biography of Chihuly
short video of installing The Sun
There are a bazillion videos of Chihuly and his works on youtube

This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.  This week, our letter is "G."  Come and join HERE. You will be amazed at all the bloggy goodness to be found!  Here is Ms. Matlock's submission.  You will notice that she is bending the rules just a bit this week.  er....well....maybe it's really just her gwanddaughter!  
Now go visit!  (please)

photos by me © 2009


  1. That's certainly an interesting piece! I can for sure say that I would never have thought of a creation like that in a million years!

  2. Our Fredrick Meijers Gardens had a Chihuly exhibit a couple of years ago. It was wonderful to walk under and through and around!

  3. This is a fascinating post! Love the photos of the installation at the botanical gardens,and the interview is very interesting.

  4. He certainly is a talented artist! I do enjoy his work. Great capture!

  5. So amazing! I was struck by the colors as soon as your post opened up! So cheery and bright and seemingly alive! Love your blog and am following along!
    Please join me at my history blog - I'd love to have you!

  6. Hi Margaret! I am following your blog now after visiting alphabet thursday. I also ADORE chiluli glass. I have been very lucky to attend a number of gallery shows featuring his work and it is so surreal! Good call for G! all the best.Alex@amoderatelife

  7. What an incredible structure! And the fact that it is glass makes it so much more amazing--I cannot fathom how this was done.

  8. I love hand blown glass, but this takes it to a whole different level!


  9. I live not far from this museum, and that exhibit was amazing! I was astounded at the beauty and art that he creates. A whole new world. So glad I stopped by on my alphabet trip and remembered what an amazing exhibit that was.

  10. I love Chihuly art glass! I've seen it in many different places and exhibits. He is a very talented artist. The Youtube was fascinating. Thanks!

  11. This is amazing- must come back at a time other than thirteen minutes past midnight to watch the video!

  12. Wow ~ this is an amazing and beautiful piece of work. Truly it's an art form in itself.

    Happy weekend!
    xo Catherine

  13. I snowbird in Arizona every winter and the year you visited Chihuly glass art at the Botanical Gardens I did too! Perhaps we passed one another and didn't know it!The display was awesome! The boat with the colored balls was my fav.I did a post about it too way back when.

  14. One of my favourite artists - thanks.

  15. Your photos are lovely as always. My family has been huge fans of Chihuly since we discovered him a few years ago. He has shown twice in Miami and what I love is how well his art blends in with nature. Here is a flickr set my husband has posted.
    Also, my sister-in-law rescued an injured cat who lost an eye, so she named him Chihuly!

  16. I've rented books of his work from the library after my hubby and I did a glass blowing class. It's truly incredible what he does with glass. What an amazing experience it must have been to see it in person.

  17. I'd love to see that installation. Whenever we go to Las Vegas I head for the Bellagio - I must have dozens of photos of the glass work.

  18. Amazing! I enjoyed the video of his story as well. Art in glass is so stunning!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Once again...I'm behind, but catching up on blog reading...hope you have some time to stop by mine.

  19. Oh! I love Chihuly! I saw his exhibit when it was in Chicago & I love the one at the Milwaukee Art Museum, the one at the Indianapolis Children's Museum is cool too : )
    The Sun looks magnificent!

  20. I have only seen one in Indy - but it is a favorite of my kids. We sit and look at it for what seems like hours! Great G post!

  21. The Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio has a large exhibit of Dale Chihuly's work. I love it! La

  22. fyi - just checked online about the exhibit at the Indianapolis Children's Museum...

    Fireworks of Glass
    Featuring the largest permanent sculpture of blown glass by renowned artist Dale Chihuly, this 43-foot-tall tower rises above a glass ceiling.Learn how glass blowers create their fantastic works of art.

  23. wow that really i a piece of work isnt it. beautiful

  24. G! Ghe, ghe, ghe...bending the rules? Moi?

    That made me laugh.

    I love this glass. There is a lobby of a hotel in Las Vegas with an amazing display of his work, too.

    I need to watch for the display again if it comes to the botanical gardens. It looks amazing.

    Thanks for a GGGGGGRRRReat link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "G".



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