
Saturday, November 6, 2010

a favorite market: Friday Fence Post

Pipkin's Market
Here is a small fenced-in area next to the right side of the building.  A few herbs and flowers grow here.  In season, lovely pots as well as garden ornaments are for sale in this space.
Pipkins began in the 1980s as a small roadside stand, selling in-season vegetables and fruits in the Summer.  Eventually, the stand was enclosed in a building, and the business began to operate year 'round.  All produce is hand picked, fresh, and delicious.  Most produce comes from local growers within a 100 mile radius.  The market also sells local specialty items such as breads, salsas, and gelato.  And, oh, the most wonderful apple cider!
Later, a garden area was added.  (It is located on the property across the parking lot from the building.)  Such a    wonderful variety of plants--annuals and perennials--one can find! 
Pipkin's Market website (only of interest to locals)
Ani is hosting Fence Post Friday on her blog Coffee Pot People.
Read all about it and link up HERE.
Come join in the fun!
photos by me © 2010


  1. Fun Friday Fence post! Looks like a great place! Love apple cider!

  2. oooohhhh! My youngest daughter and I would love this place! I would love to run a place like this! Entrepreneural idea? Yep!

  3. lucky you to have a nursery right next door. Maybe a few seeds fly over?

  4. So charming! I could spend all afternoon lurking around a nursery like that!

  5. A nursery next door?! Oh, man. I would be in SUCH trouble, lol.

    Picket fences are the Best!

  6. Hello,

    WE came over from Beaded Tail and we like what we see and look forward to seeing some more of OLiver and Earnest.

    Smudge, Spider and Kas.

  7. What a charming vignette. I loved this picture. Happy Sunday!

  8. What a pretty place to have so close to where you live. I love fresh apple cider too. I often make mulled cider when it gets chilly.

  9. that looks so pretty and scenic. what a beaitiful little place

  10. Oh! What a lovely little stop :o) I love the little picket fence with the flowers and greenery. It would be fun to go and shop around there.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for your sweet comment :o) Yes, we are so very thankful that my dad's surgeries are behind him and he is on the Road to Recovery :o)

  11. What a fun post with lots of information. Mom said she'd like to visit the shop.

    Happy Monday,
    Madi and Mom

  12. Wonderful fence. There used to be a nursery like this that I would escape to when I lived in Houston. It is amazing how that little fence is part of the ambiance of a place.

  13. I wish we had a store like that. We do have a farmers market though. I loved the first photo.

  14. markets that support the community are wonderful to shop at for so many reasons - that ones sounds especially FAB!


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