
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

sun puddle snoozing

is an art form!
 and is so fun when cozying up with a furend.
We are so relaxed!
hope you are enjoying all the sun puddles in your lives....
love, Oliver and Earnest

Go check out this fun meme, Cats on Tuesdays hosted by Gattina HERE 

photos by me © 2010


  1. I wanna curl up with them so bad right now! Off to cuddle with Harley...

  2. I had been housesitting and taking care of the cats for my daughter this weekend; mostly, since this is sunless Oregon, they just wanted to sit on my lap and purr!

  3. Yup, sunpuddle kitties are SO nice and warm...I feel snoozy just looking at them.

  4. The two of you look so very peaceful. It makes us want to find a patch of sun to curl up in.

  5. We wish we could curl up with you two handsome boys! We actually have sunpuddles today too so we'll lay in them and dream of you!

    Angel & Isabella

  6. The best remedy against stress is watching cats snuggling together or just watch them when they sleep so peacefully !

  7. So sweet. Both snuggled up to share a sun puddle.

  8. What precious peaceful kitties...
    sun puddles are magical,
    Madi and Mom

  9. Not many sun puddles here at the moment - very cold and grey, but the cats are warm and cozy inside... although they would never ever curl up like this together!

  10. Oh how great it would be to live the life of a cat - sun-puddles and catnaps, sounds purrrr-fect to me :-)


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