
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


 hummus with thyme garnish
Every time I make this people rave.  It's my favorite hummus. 
3 C cooked chick peas (garbanzos)             
2 T tamari (soy sauce) 
1 T oil, olive                                                      
1/2 C lemon juice
1 1/2 C onion, chopped                                  
1 t cumin powder
5 cloves garlic, minced                                   
1/4 t cayenne
3/4 C carrots, chopped                                   
1/2 t salt
1 C tahini, roasted (sesame butter)

Saute onion in olive oil on medium heat for about 2 minutes.  Add carrots and garlic.  Saute a couple more minutes.  Place chick peas in food processor.  Puree.  Add the rest of ingredients and puree till smooth.
NOTE:  lemony taste will disappear as the hummus sits.
super easy and so good!

This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.  This week, our letter is "H."  Come and join HERE. You will be amazed at all the bloggy goodness to be found! 

photos by me © 2010


  1. Love, love, love hummus. We eat it a lot at my house.. haven't made my own in years, I should definitely give it a try again. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. That hummus looks delicious! I love the thyme garland, what a great idea. :)

  3. Wish I could dip into it right here on the screen. I like that you add carrots, I'll have to see if my hubby will make this as he does the cooking around here.

  4. We leave out carrots and soya sauce to make it Jewish style. And sometimes we use lime - because we run out of lemon and lime here is easy to get.

  5. I haven't ever tried hummus but have been tempted before so I think I'll have to try this recipe. Thanks Margaret!

  6. I absolutely love hummus! Costco has a pretty good one, but I agree homemade is best!

    I'm definitely going to try your version...

  7. That's one of my favorite snacks - but I've never added carrot. I'll have to try it....but I won't tell anyone until they've had a taste.

  8. looks good, glad to have a recipe for a really good hummus!

  9. Sounds good! Now I have a couple of new hummus recipes to try.

  10. Oh! Yumm! We love hummus and I am definitely going to try out your recipe. Thank you for sharing!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Making my way through some great "H" posts! :o)

  11. this sounds seriously yummy ... i have never made hummus with carrots ... i will be giving this a try!

  12. Love hummus but unfortunately hubs does not and I eat way too much myself.

  13. Great H word! Another hummus lover here too. Great to have a recipe to try a homemade version.

  14. This looks really good. I've saved the recipe so I can give it a try. Thank you :)

  15. I am ADDICTED to hummus. I'm glad it's so good for me.

  16. I've never tried carrots in my hummus but I like that idea! It would make it a pretty color, too.

    I never think about using herb flowers for garnish but now I will. That looks gorgeous on the top!

    Thanks for a delicious and creative link to Alphabe-Thursday.

    I really enjoyed my stop here today.


  17. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!
    The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was my absolute favorite book, summer 2009! I plan to read it again soon!
    As for the hummus recipe, it was soooo yummy!!

  18. Wow, you recipe is really different from mine! I will have to try this one. I wonder if I can sneak in those veggies without my kids noticing...


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