
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lush and Lava (Kauai, part 2)

Kauai is a lovely, lush green island formed of lava floating in the sparkling blue waters of the Pacific....
 hike to Secret Beach (near Princeville)
Although geologists argue the specifics, the island was formed when the Pacific tectonic plate slowly moved over a hot spot in the Earth's crust, causing volcanic action. 
 lava rocks on Secret Beach (Kauapea Beach)
Kauai's interior is mountainous.  Because of the constant siege of nature--rainfall, pounding waves, tradewinds--lush valleys, razorback ridges, and long strands of sandy beaches, some strewn with volcanic rocks, are abundant. 
 volcanic rocks and pounding surf
past POST on Kauai 
history of Kaua'i by Kaua'i Historical Society, begins on THIS page 
This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.  This week, our letter is "L."  Come and join HERE.  You will be amazed at all the bloggy goodness to be found!  

photos © by me 2006

NOTE:  My husband and I ventured to this island twice.  In February of 2005, we traveled with a group of friends (interesting. fun, too).  We were awed by the gorgeous splendor of this island.  The weather was perfect, by the way.)  So the following February we set forth once again.  It rained quite a lot while we were there.  (It's the RAINY season the islanders told us!)  Our beach wear were rain ponchos, but out we went, armed with camera and a sense of adventure.  No tan for us!  Actually, we did see some sun upon occasion as evidenced in the last photo.  I would love to go back in the Summer when the seas are calmer and one can actually go IN the water to swim, snorkel, kayak.


  1. I'm 66 now and my first visit to Hawaii was at 18. I've been about 20 times over the years but I didn't see Kauai until I was in my thirties. It's my favorite of all the islands - such incredible natural beauty and I love the menehunes though I haven't seen one!

  2. Kauai is the only part of Hawaii that I've visited. And yes, it was wonderful!


  3. We LOVE Kauai. I spent a wonderful vacation there with The Engineer, My Sis and her hubby. It's all these things you described, and more. We went in May and had literally PERFECT weather the entire time. It would rain in the morning while we were getting our stuff together and then be done for the day by the time we left. I SO want to go back. Thanks for the memories.

  4. I've never been to Hawaii, but Kauai sounds like the kind of place I would love!

    I enjoyed part 2 :)

  5. I would go wild there, collecting rocks and stuff to bring home to my collection. I'd have to get another suitcase! Thanks so much for this post!

  6. lovely photos ...of course i had to view the satatlite images just to see what it really looked like!

  7. Beautiful! I've done Alaska and now I'd love to do Hawaii. Oh..and the other 30 states I haven't seen.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. This looks like a drippy, but beautiful place to visit. I have been to Oaui, but not Kauai.

  9. An island and a beach sound pretty good right now!

  10. Lovely "Lush and Lava" post! Your first trip sounded perfect...your second stay-a little too much rain, hopefully, your next Kauai visit will be perfect again :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Can't keep track if I came by to say thank you for stopping by my "K" post, but if I didn't yet...Thank you!
    And if you are interested in entering for a giveaway of the art that I do, please stop by my "L" post. There are various ways to enter, and actually, you get an extra entry already, since you left a comment on my "K" post. If you would rather not enter, not a problem! I appreciate your visits to my place.

  11. Such a beautiful island! I know it will be years before I go back, but it certainly is a paradise!

  12. What a beautiful landscape ! Of course I didn't know where this island was, as you haven't mentioned the country, now I know, blogging improves general knowledge, lol !

  13. that is just SO SO beautiful! Looking at a map of the island is a bit scary - looks like that volcano could blow at any time! I want to go, anyway! {:-D

  14. just as intriquing and beautiful as part one.

    This is definitely going on my bucket list.

    Although getting into a swimsuit is kinda/sorta not appealing - ha!

    Thanks for the lush and exotic link this week.

    Also sending you best wishes for a joyous and peaceful holiday.


  15. Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful compositions on his blog. Wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best wishes. Leovi.

  16. Beautiful post and photos, I've never been to Hawaii! Hopefully, some day.

  17. So pretty! Isn't Hawaii amazing?


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